Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
An art of giving feedback...
Alex : Azwar mintak tak nak gi sekolah agama petang ni...
Me : Why?
Alex : Pasal kerja rumah tak siap la...
Me : Apsal tak buat...?
Alex : Bahasa Arab.
Me : What's wrong with Bahasa Arab?
Alex : Azwar cakap, tanya Mak kan tahu pun...!
Alex : Dah suruh tanya kawan, Azwar kata kawan tak bagi nyer.
I paused the conversation for a little while and think. I think I know what Alex was trying to convey. :). Then, I decided to open space for her.... The conversation continued..
Me : Apsal tak tanya Ayah?
Me : Ayah kan terror bab bahasa arab ni... (Dulu la..)
Alex : Hmmmm... Macam la Ayah ada, nak tanya itu ini...
Alex : Entah la... Nak jumpa hubby sendiri pun by appointment skang ni.
Alex : Ayah asyik keluar je...
Alex : Rasa macam masa bercinta dulu je.. Dapat jumpa kejap2 je...
Me : Smile.
That was an art to me... The intention was crystal clear, "not to hurt me" at the first place. At least that's what I concluded myself. And I promised her to blog about this which I do now.
A special note to Alex:
I treasure the feedback. I will do my best. Jgn hilang mood banyak sangat, nanti baby nangis.
Ma zallazi, yakhruju minal duburi dujjah...?
The answer is none other than "telur ayam". Hihihii...
Salam Permisi...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Dah main golf tu tak bazir...?
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I am convinced...
Friday, July 15, 2005
My Attempts In Diet...
Monday, July 11, 2005
Balasan Allah...?
- Ape takde kerja lain ke diorang ni...? Tak terdetik ke di hati mereka yang mak dan ayah mereka turut merasa peritnya di alam kubur hasil kerja jahanam mereka ni...
- Notice tak, rumah2 kita ni seolah2 diperhatikan oleh orang2 durjana ni setipa detik... Ape taknya, tayar tu berada di depan rumah kurang dari 12 jam. Lesap...
- Hopeless... Pernah tak korang rasa camni? Dalam keadaan korang tak leh buat apa2.. Repot polis? Rasa macam perabih dakwat pen & perabih ayq liuq je... Bukan sebab kredibiliti polis tapi ada harapan jumpa ke? Polis nak buat apa? Banyak lagi kes2 heavy metal yang lain...
- Apakah aku yang cuai...? Memang pun.. Tak belajar dari kes dulu...
- Underestimate? Mungkin... Aku rasa taman aku ni aman damai...
- Rasa nak meraung.....
- Kulari ke hutan kemudian menyanyiku....
- Kulari ke pantai kemudian teriakku...
Aku rasa nak menyahut cabaran anak aku... "Ayah, kita ada vidoe camera kan... Kita pasang dan tengok sapa suka ambik barang kita... Ayah letak beg golf ayah satu lagi tu kat luar... Kita pegang kayu golf sorang satu.. Bila dia masuk je kita ketuk dia..."
Eh... Kalu betul2 berlaku mahu maut si pencuri tu... Kang naik turun court plak aku... Tapi aku rasa berbaloi tu... Jeng... jeng... Nanti aku pikirkan lagi...
Alex... Sape nak kuar duit beli tayar & rim ni...? OK.. OK la... Silap I, I beli la.... Huk.. Huk...
Ok la... Usah ditangis benda yang telah pergi...
Friday, July 08, 2005
Brain Teaser
One day a beautiful young girl, of around 18 years,tried to board the bus,but he didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and died on the spot. Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.
The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capital punishment. He was taken to the electrocution chamber.
There was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana
peel at one corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high
voltage current was given to him. But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The
judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession. After a few months, this time, a good looking middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus.
Unfortunately, this time also, the good looking middle aged woman came under the bus and died on the spot. Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turn took him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment.
The Bus conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession. A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus. This time the Bus conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped the bus. Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his injuries. The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past
record the judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment.
The Bus conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time he died instantly !!!!!!!!!!!
The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but died instantly the third time?? Try to solve it yourselves. This is rather interesting and answer is perfectly logical. If necessary read the puzzle once again.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Positive Mindset...
- Since last weekend. My conversation with bank customer service. I was not jumping at all.
- Then, continued with my neighbour's feedback on my house maid. Remember? I was as cool as an ice :-). (It doesn't imply that I am a hot tempered person in nature heheh). I took the feedback really positive. Extended the conversation with Alex on the way home yesterday, we agreed once again, our neighbours might have seen what we have not seen when not around. Obviously, the maid won't do funny things in front of us. So, we gotta do something. We are still toying with the idea anyway... Meanwhile, we will need to also consider the fact that, kids are clean, sweet & full whenever we are home, the floor is shining, the bed is made up properly, the toilet smells good, the food is ready and her phone is ringing every 5 minutes... Argghhh... :-)... Positive.. positive... positive...
- This morning, both the kids missed the school bus. Adlan refused to wake up regretting the fact that he had missed the bus once again. We offered him to take a rest today. Being him, no way... Absent from school for 1 day is like a serious offence to him. Huh.. I saw Alex (his mother..hehehhe) was so relief with this little boy. So diligent. Where does he get it from? Hmmm.... Isn't it a father? I think so. Hehehhe... While he was putting on his school attire (at about 8am....:)), I shared with him my old days in primary school for not being absent once. I hope he will reduce his morning "sickness". Every time, her mother is the only one who can wake him up. Before that, gotta rub his stomach, back, pull his hand first then his leg, etc... You see, got sequence one... As in algorithm in programming.. :-). However, we took it positively. We love him so much anyhow.
- Hmmm... The brother, as I mentioned somewhere in my previous blogs, a total divertion of his younger brother. Azwar, bangun bas dah terlepas, ayah hantar. He replied selamberly, Hmmm.. cuti ah... Easy isn't it? Still, we took it positively. Well, he is still in growing stage. Sooner or later he will realize it himself... Hihihihi...
- Backtrack a little bit. I was home late last nite. At about 2.00am, my sms buzzer alerted me "plu marah ke? sdiri mau ingat la dok?". That was from Alex. I knew I love her very much and she does (love herself hehehe) too but the question is does my act show that? That's the question that she always bring up to my attention. I told her that there are questions that I can only asnwer with smiles & silence. Then, she said, I knew you lah... You will be as quiet as mice when you are guilty... Well, 13 years of togetherness has definitely taught something whaaatttt... I think I am somewhat a positive person this 1 or 2 weeks. As usual lah, I will gosok her belly & talk to the unborn baby :), massage her back, picit her kepala, picit her betis. "Nak megi tak?"... Hehehhe.. at 3am in a morning.. "Baca blog tak?"... And some other soalan bodohs lah... I knew she could see me struggling to melt her heart... Heehhehe.. This morning I treated her "nasi lemak ikan bilis sharifah" at Projet + 1 stick of frankfurter with mayonese & fresh tomatoes. I know she was still angry :). Internally, I feel good & positive anyway. Guys out there, don't you feel strange if your wife doesn't feel anything when you do wrong? Yea.. yea.. love is in the air... :). Positive... Positive... Positive...
- Haaaa.... this piece is the most positive one...
Caller : Hellowwww, cud I spik to Mr. Aziiiizzzz...? (It's a "she" & she was chukkling)
Me : Speaakiiiiing....
Caller : Hi, Mr. John Danger... (Now she could not hold her hilarity anymore... LOL..). This "A**a" from "K*****K**f".
Me : HahahaahHAHAHHA AHHAHAHAHA.. HAHAHAHAH.... Okay tell me... Apa cerita kiter.. HAHAHAHAHAHA...
A**a : Monitor poblem... bla.. bla... malas layan.. bla.. bla... Ayu... Epson printer... bla.. bla... Hahaha.. Hahahha..
She was not really done with her laugh yet when we disconnected the line.. Me too. Hahahah... I know Puteri Ayu is to be blamed. I would say this is such an improper discovery and introduction. Hahahah... I was blushing black my friend... I came to realize that it's damn harder to handle the complaint when the complainer is laughing on the other side. Not only that, the impact of the complaint was much more stronger. Until, Carinaaaaaa, arrange for monitor pickup at Shah Alam todaaaaayyyyy... No excuse......!!!
Special note to Alex : Remember I jotted a piece of note in my previous blog about a complaint from a giant publisher in Shah Alam...? She was the one.... The Queen. Let me remind you, read her blog after you deliver for I am afraid it will be too technical to you. She is talking "assembly language" in her blog. Oh.. you are Software Engineering lecturer.. Then, OK... :-).
Hahhahaha..hahahha... By the way, she was not a complainer today... :-).
The conclusion is... when you are positive, the world turns to be positive too.... Hahahha.. hahaha...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Maklumbalas, salah sangka atau hasutan?
Monday, July 04, 2005
Pakar Sakit Puan :-)
- First, look at the belly itself. If the belly is already in the downwards position, the birth will most likely to happen soon. Within 2 weeks perhaps. Just for your own imagination, the belly may look a bit like jack fruit :-). Most of the makciks will base on this I guess.
- Secondly, look slightly below the belly button (pusat). Usually, there will be a straight line connecting the belly and the lower part :-). When the due date is coming nearer, this particular line will grow obvious exponentially... (Hey, I have never measured this anyway...). Of course, outsiders are forbidden to witness this one.
- Thirdly, look at how she walks. If she is like pushing the brake pedal when walking, this is actually to balance the extra luggage that she carry. This means, the baby is getting heavier as the day goes by.
- And lastly, when she could not stand it anymore. The pain is just similar to what you feel when "ceret beret", you know you got to rush to the hospital in seconds.
Of course there will be other symptoms as well like back-pain, extra libido (may differ from other people heheh), etc... Okay la... I think Alex will have more :-).
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Too Much of "Customer Centric" Gist
- Insufficient training
- The person who supposed to be in duty falls sick (so kes tangkap muat la ni)
- She was lazy when in college or school (Unlike me, learn English until year 4 in UKM, VE..kehkehkhe.. Alex, don;t laugh aaa, I know you exempted...)
- She's not a friend of Puteri.. hehehe
- She doesn't read blogs.
One good thing was, I could sense that she was trying very hard to satisfy me as the customer at that point of time. I was a bit cooked up initially but toned down after the conversation. To a certain extend, I came to realize that, I gotta be more patient at times. Nevertheless, I don't deny the fact that there are times they screw up everything until we may jump up the sky.
Therefore, I ask myself "am I exposed too much of this customer service thing"? Hmmm.. I hope I will manage it towards my advantage. Not until I condemn that individual who happens to be sitting there as the representative of the "sick" service provider :-). I know being the customer service agent is tough and they are also "find food" - cari makan... hehehehe..
Anyhow, I gotta reload my prepaid and I know I gotta walk to the phone shop & do just that.. No big deal isn't it?
Alexxxxx... Are you still hibernating...? Come read my blog.. :)
Sehingga ketemu lagi.... Kamek sik tauk apa mauk belik... Kenak kitak sik madah duluk...