I am convinced...
On the way back home yesterday, Alex has made a real brave confession to me....
"I am convinced that you do love me in your own way..."
It was made with undisputed degree of confidence, nice intonation, good melody and beautiful chord arrangment. Not to forget a pleasant pitch.
Well, I can't deny the fact I was and I am happy with that statement. Hmmm... What makes me think right now is that... What has brought Alex to make that statement? I was toying with it since yesterday:
- Was it because of my continuous effort to make her happy? (Nok paka moda Puteri skit nih.. Kalu napok macang baguh je.. Sori ah... Tujuang utok suke2 je... Jangang maroh deh..)
- Or was it due to similarity with Onde2's story? (Kawang Alex ni..)
- Or was it because of the cover-up in her blog yesterday? (Alex is blushing now.. I know.. hahahha)
- Or was it due to something else...?
By the way, of all that I mentioned above, the only person who knows the truth is undoubtedly Alex. How it staterd anyway...!?
I told Alex that I have read her friend's blog about her friend writing a letter to the hubby. And subsequently placed it on the pillow. I was smiling and chuckling when reading the passage. Very similar to what I have experienced myself except the letter was placed in my grasp while I was sleeping. Then, I came to realize that Alex & her friend used to be schooling together. Could the lessons they learned be exactly similar? Hehehhehe... Let me add a little spice into it, the letter that I received was a 4-written-page, properly folded and hand-made-enveloped. And of course the surface clearly carries the recepient's name in BOLD led by a bent-determined arrow pointing to the recipient's name. Further to it, I have received such letter for few times already.
Okay that's one. The other part of our story while on the way home yesterday was about her admirers in college. When I told her that I got the info from her very friends, she "mati2" denied it. Heheheh.. I can see her blushing now... (Alex, don't play2 ha...)
Well.. Come to talk about it la kan... Sometimes it's good when our partner finally confess certain thing with us about her/his past. However, I would personally suggest that do weigh / judge the idea of confessing / revealing our past to our partner. It's for a simple reason with a simple question, will it hurt our partner? Or to a large extend will it be the trigger point for a chaos?
Nevertheless, if we do not confess, what if the story comes to our partner from the "sky"? Hmm... That's why weigh and justify it properly.
Having mentioned all that, life is so special in anyway we look at it... Therefore, as a partner we may need to be positive in this instance. Think a little extra feet as to why our partner is telling us now.. Of coz as much as possible, take the brighter part of it and continue to live happily to the fact that we (human) are different from each other and we have definitely gone through a different stage of life. When we decided to be together, be it, mean it.
My message to Alex yesterday as to conclude the whole thing, "at times secret is best kept as secret"... Hehehhehe...
Ishk.. I suddenly feel like another Dr. Love... Tak nak ahhhh.... Bye.. bye.. bye...
p/s - Ayu (junior Alex)... Hah.. puas hati..? :-)..
At Tue Jul 19, 12:01:00 PM,
WRA said…
Nak jadi Dr. Love? Be my guess...but my statement still stands....it's up to you to believe my friends more or myself more....:)
At Tue Jul 19, 12:02:00 PM,
WRA said…
oops...salah eja...bukan be my guess tapi be my guest...
At Tue Jul 19, 12:14:00 PM,
Adlan said…
alex.. of coz i believe you.. :).. i treat info from your friend tu as their trial to break us apart... :) in which led them to no avail.. heheheh..
At Tue Jul 19, 02:23:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
puas hati... :P esok jgn lupa update lagi yer... :P hehehe
At Wed Jul 20, 10:09:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
should have read this earlier..ye ke alex pun tulis surat jugak...tak tau pun dan of course it has nothing to do with our schooling together, but come to think of it me and alex has similarities you know, for example:
1) we are left-handed
2) left-handed persons more often than not are creative persons and therefore quite sensitive.
3) we love to draw/arts something like that.
4) again left-handed use their right btain more often which is emotional brain so..paham2 jelah ye JD.
the fact that my significant other is not havent told much about his past bothered me once but now I just concentrate on the fact that he loves me NOW and hopefuly ever. The past is just a history..
At Thu Jul 21, 01:36:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
onde2.... or wan* (alex told me..)
i do notice the characteristics.. and at times they are special...
part emotional tu mmg, anak2 berbaris bagi hadiah mom's day pun tangkap syahdu.. hehhe...
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