Pakar Sakit Puan :-)
I drove Alex to work this morning. That's the routine that I already left for almost a year I guess. Yeah rite, after she got her own car in the month of October last year. I am back to deliver my routine as Alex's belly disturbs her from navigating the steering properly :-). All the mak ciks that we met seem to have similar prediction that Alex will give birth very soon.
FYI, Alex's due date initially supposed to be on the early August. Based on the latest check-up done last month, Doctor has extended to end of August. I am not sure myself. However, from my professional opinion (this is the 5th maaa, not professional yet aahhh?), she will deliver soon too.
How do I and the makciks do the prediction? Heheheh... Let me tell ya... (Alex, pls. correct me if I am wrong).
- First, look at the belly itself. If the belly is already in the downwards position, the birth will most likely to happen soon. Within 2 weeks perhaps. Just for your own imagination, the belly may look a bit like jack fruit :-). Most of the makciks will base on this I guess.
- Secondly, look slightly below the belly button (pusat). Usually, there will be a straight line connecting the belly and the lower part :-). When the due date is coming nearer, this particular line will grow obvious exponentially... (Hey, I have never measured this anyway...). Of course, outsiders are forbidden to witness this one.
- Thirdly, look at how she walks. If she is like pushing the brake pedal when walking, this is actually to balance the extra luggage that she carry. This means, the baby is getting heavier as the day goes by.
- And lastly, when she could not stand it anymore. The pain is just similar to what you feel when "ceret beret", you know you got to rush to the hospital in seconds.
Of course there will be other symptoms as well like back-pain, extra libido (may differ from other people heheh), etc... Okay la... I think Alex will have more :-).
At Mon Jul 04, 01:09:00 PM,
WRA said…
I was thinking of putting this in my blog as well...but you beat me to it...tapi maybe I will do it a different way, of course...hehehehe
At Mon Jul 04, 01:14:00 PM,
Adlan said…
hehehe... any other patient out there who wants to try my speciality? heheh..
alex, letak jgn tak letak... kalu buleh elaborate skit pasal extra libido tu... i am blur myself.. :-)
At Mon Jul 04, 02:34:00 PM,
WRA said…
banyak la dia punya blur hehehehe...I thot the extra libido only happened to those yg bila isteri pegnant, dia yg mengidam lebih-lebih? heheheheheh...
At Tue Jul 05, 03:21:00 PM,
alia said…
hahahhaha sabo ajerler..
semoga sumer nyer selamat...
At Tue Jul 05, 03:41:00 PM,
Adlan said…
alex, ngidam? dok eh.. :)
bat.. memang byk sabor ni... tak leh kasar2.. heheh
satu lagi tanda dah dekat nak bersalin, tengok ruang antara breast & perut yg boyot tu.. kalu ruang tu dah flat skit & muat satu tapak tangan, mmg dah dekat la... baby dah turun ke bawah.. hehehe
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