Anak-anak Penawar Segala Duka Pt IV
Hmmm.. I feel a bit tired today because I have gone through an intensive jogging on the threadmill last nite. Non-stop for 30 minutes at the speed of 4 mile per hours. It was about 2 miles. Lost about 100 calories. Not much anyway. But it was enuf to make my knee-cap feels like flying and my leg feels like cramping. Well, I realize that it has been a while since I left my golf walking course. All the while I play with buggy. I thought I have a lot of stamina. Huh... it has proven me otherwise.
By the way, I gotta finish my Part IV today. I better be doing it now before the training starts.
4th : Muhammad Akmal Adam (Born : 22.9.2002; 3.15pm)
Well... This is the 4th... Yes the 4th one within 8 years then... Among my batch, I am somewhat leading the league. There are few friends who tried to catch the league position, they totally failed after I got this no. 4. Some friends say I am productive and some say I am diligent :). If you ask me, I would say it is a combination of that two. :)... (And I don't deny the fact that it was also due to "accident" while controlling our handsomeness.. ROTFLMAO...). Having said all that, we are indeed very grateful to have all of them with us. And of course, millions of thanks should go to my wife who always say no since our second boy. :). Thanks a million Mami..
Haaa... Adam was born when we have settled down a bit in KL. And that time, we have just shifted from condo to terrace house. You know, condo is expensive. However, what makes us moved was the hassle that we have to go through everyday. That time, we have got no house maid yet and we have to go out from house as early as 6.00am when the kids are still deep in sleep. If Level 2 in condo doesn't sound heavy to you, let me tell you this. What else? As a good father :), I gotta carry each and everyone of them to the nursery. Can you imagine if I were to carry Azwar, 20-25kg then... (He is now 45kg, almost the same weight with his 27 years old maid). And at times, we gotta park our car outside as the gate refused to open due to overdue maintenance fee by the landlord... Arghhh...!!!
Hmmm... I still think that Adam was born somewhere at 1 or 2p. But his mother said it's 3.15pm. So, I can't argue much right? Eventhough I know I have a stronger memory than her mom.. Hehehhe... Anyway, we got no maid yet then, I have to take care of the other 3 when her mom was giving birth to him. It was at Pusrawi Kajang. Nobody else was giving birth that day... All the staffs were so relax except the clinic they open for public. So, my other 3 kids & me were like in heaven. We can sleep on the empty bed, etc... Kids, what else they will do? They were running & screaming all the way. My wish to enter the labour room with the mom was again denied for the 4th time. None of the birth I got chance to see with my own eyes. Hope I would not miss it for the next one :).
First time I saw Adam (right after the birth), his genitals were so big. In my mind, is there any complication? Then, I was briefed by the Nurse that that was normal for new born baby. It will go off after 1 or 2 days. Huh... I remember I have never seen my first 2 boys right after delivery. Okay... As usual ( I never failed this I think) I kissed the mom. I knew she was in deep pain. It happens to all the moms in this world I think. However, have they given up on us easily? Not at all. Have they given up to have another baby? Hmmm... So, let's do our best to keep them happy. Mind me as I am bit way off. Sunddenly, my mind is on my late mom. She died of cancer. Well, she was one of my best supporters in everything I do... Mom, I love you so much.
Okay back to Adam. We got a maid by this time. So, Adam is growing at home instead of nursery. Manja? No he is not I think. Though, when he was about 1 year old, the maid asked to take care of him even at night. Well, I was not that OK initially but at the end I surrendered to the fact that her mom will need a lot of rest after 4 babies. Or will it be a real rest? :)... (Put your mind out of a gutter... We will get the 5th baby after 2+ years okay...).
Adam is now 2 years +. Coming to 3 years this September. Time really flies. You will laugh your way out when you see him dancing. The more I recall, the more it looks like "gerudi dance" you know... :). You see, he lives in the era of Akademi Fantasia. You can imagine as much as her mom likes AF, he will of course follow rite? Hehehhe... Don't tell everybody that the father likes it too. Not all the way... (If any friend calls for a drink, I will go for a drink anyway... Coz knowing the fact that AF is shown in a bigger screen at mamak's restaurant... hehheheheh). He is talking so much now. Even when I am angry with his other brothers, he will sing.. Yeh..yeh... Ayah marah War... Yeh..yeh... Ayah tak marah Adam... What laaa.... LOL.
If I come home early from office, he will run towards my little kancil (you see the mom always got a privilege, even a bigger car... it shows rite..). Then, I gotta stop & wait for him to climb in to my lap. Of course gotta drive one round the house. At times, he is OK if Ijust stop & park.
That's Adam. We thought he will be the "bongsu" one. Well, kita mampu merancang, hanya Tuhan yang menentukan... We will get our no. 5 this August. I really hope I will be in Malaysia by that time.
To the friends of my batch, if you can beat my no. 5, you take the league crown by all means. :).
I hope I can name this baby as Anis ________. Till then, "anak-anak sesungguhnya penawar segala duka"...
At Wed May 25, 01:27:00 PM,
WRA said…
hmmm..Adam is the most independent child of ours....most things he will do on his has become naughtier...he likes to pick on his 2nd brother, Adlan...everytime he sees Adlan, he will give Adlan one kick, without fail and of course the brother will fight back and there will be series of fights until I or the maid take one of them away.....fenin, fenin...hehehehe
At Wed May 25, 02:10:00 PM,
Adlan said…
ye ke puteri... anis tu kira macam trade mark la.. waiting for your boy la... buleh berbesan.. :)
i can almost see adam now.. feel eager to fly back home...
At Wed May 25, 03:25:00 PM,
WRA said…
FYI..sekarang ni kalau dia nangis dia panggil "ayah...ayah..." :)
At Wed May 25, 05:09:00 PM,
WRA said…
tak leh cakap gak...coz azwar dulu tu 2 doktor cakap girl and mak bidan pun cakap girl...cuma i mimpi nama boy 2 days before delivery, tup-tup dapat boy..terus guna nama tu...
At Wed May 25, 05:37:00 PM,
Adlan said…
selagi tak keluar ke dunia ni, susah nak agak... tunggu je la... tapi mintak la yg no. 5 pompuan.. ringan sikit beban mak dia.. heheheh
kalau pompuan kita letak nama puteri la ye.. tak pun permaisuri.. can hah?
At Wed May 25, 06:42:00 PM,
WRA said…
masalahnya, bapak dia bukan putera...heheheehe....
At Thu May 26, 01:29:00 PM,
WRA said…
At Thu May 26, 07:04:00 PM,
Adlan said…
tu nama je la.. apa ada pada nama?
"ku menulis bukan kerna naaaamaaaa..., kerna sifat kasih, pada sesama insan, dan menyatakan kasiiihhhh sayaaaangkuuuu... kita samaaaa, semuaaaaanya samaaaaa.. apa yang ada, hanyalaaaahhh kehidupannnnn.... " da..da..dadaa...daa...da... :)
At Thu May 26, 07:05:00 PM,
Coconut Ice said…
cute anak u :P
jgn letak nama puteri wei..kang jadi cam dier...nama je pu3..tapi perangan ganas gilos...
At Thu May 26, 09:32:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
oit coco, jauh nye dia merayap utk mengutuk aku tu....
At Fri May 27, 10:58:00 AM,
Adlan said…
point taken.. point taken... hehehhe..
puteri ganas? hmmm..... for me to know and for u to find out coco.. :)
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