The Food, The Culture & The People
Hey.. I am back... I feel so diligent blogging these few days... Dunno why.. :-). It's like someone is pushing me from the back. Kinda hidden energy... Sort of...
Haaaa... I finished my work at about 7.00pm, roughly (local time) yesterday. It was about 9.30pm Mesian time. However, I gotta wait for a friend of mine (Chinese man from Mesia too) as he was loading some data into the server for today's UAT. And at the same time, I gotta check some inventory matters with the colleague in Mesia. He asked me to hook up the messenger. Well, it was hooked up anyhow. But it was not him who appeared to be my chat-mate last nite but a "magician". Hmm.. 1 hour or so? A lot of stories... (Ms. ALDC, the magician is your new blog friend who is so famous with "proba"...heheheh.. Put your mind out of a gutter haa... She can't be no. 2 remember? More so, both of you are like a good friends already whaaatttt...)
(Tapi kan... good friend can always share rite?... Heheheh.. Kalau la bukan kerana family dia yang dah set the rules, buleh cair ni... :D)
Okay la... It was not that that I want to mention today. It's about my argument with the hotel manager last nite about the phone line that was sooooo difficult to connect. Initially, I asked him where can I get the "international dialing card". He was like blur and knows nut about it. In my heart, what la, tak pernah gi oversea ke... Stupid... Sombong la konon... Then, lepas habis argue tu, I came to think about me in Malaysia. If anyone asks me about this card in Malaysia, did I know one? Hmmmm... Macam tak tahu gak... Laaaa... I was as good as him laaa.... LOL... ROTFLMAO.... Or rather I was as stupid as him laaa... Hmmm tahu tak pe...
By the way, it wasn't end there, I brought him to the hassle that I faced the nite before where I was trying the whole nite to connect to my home with hotel phone. It was no avail at all. (Ingat nak guna skill complaint from Mesia la.. Ye la I ni kan complant manager. Experience naik court 2/3 kali ngan customer ingat nak guna la sikit). Then, the manager asked me what prefix did I dial? I said, 0,0,603xxxxxxxx my home number la of coz. Oooo.. he said, it was wrong.... I felt a bit embarassed but never lost the fighting spirit, hey who instructed me to do that? It's your guys whaaattt? He then looked at his staff.. The face of his staff was blacken coz he tried for me too the nite before. I pun takde la nak gado2 lebih sangat. Sebab "rindu" je I would not fight until that much la... Ye la bukan cerita hindustan ni.... :-)..
So finally, I managed to get connected with my beloved wife.. Alaaaa Si Ms ALDC tu la... Dia plak buat sentimental... I said, I miss you... Dia jawab, hmmmm... I miss you... Hmmm... Laaa apa kena cik adik aku ni... Oooo rupa2nya her mother (my in law) ada kat sebelah.. Kahakhakhakhakahka.... Anyway, lena la tidur sikit malam tadi...
Well, because I sleep sooooo tight last nite, I woke up at 6.00am (local).. I got another 3 hours for the office to open... So, I landed my back on 3 pillows and switched on the TV (malas nak cakap gi semayang nanti orang kata nak tunjuk alim plak... heheh)... As usual, channel 71... Pagi2 buta tengok fashion show... Huh... It was just for a while kay...!!! Then, I took my shower & decided to go for early breakfast while waiting for another friend to come down. What did I take this morning? Cornflakes + wheatflakes with cold milk, Poori Bhaji with Dhal, Chana Batura with Dhal, Baked Bean, Bombay Toaster, Medu Vada, Bombay Ommellette and strawberry shake.. Waaaaa..... Bear with me for another few minutes, let me explain what they are.. :-)
- Poori Bhaji is like prata.. Roti canai la... But this one is like roti canai tak jadi... You know, instead of bulat it is 4 segi and it is really in bad shape... Gelembung sana gelembung sini... :-) Has to eat it with either curry or dhal... Its dhal is sweet.. Not bad...
- Chana Batura is similar to the above but in round shape... Kalau kat Mesia is like cakue.. (char kuey).. Bukan char kuey teow.. Alaaa roti yg ada inti kacang then goreng tu... Tapi si chana batura ni tak de inti.. Kempis je macam bola getah tak de angin... Am I too much...? Okay... The taste was good anyhow.. Pun makan ngan dhal gak...
- Baked bean.. Biasa la... Tapi bukan kacang merah macam Yeos punya tu... Macam kacang hijau yg kita buat bubur kacang tu... I took 2 scoop je... Tak larat... Saje nak test...
- Wheatflake + cornflakes.. Macam tak tahu... Kita kan western... heheheh...
- Bombay toaster... None other than roti bakar bersalut telur...
- Medu Vada. Kat Mesia macam ada ni... Bentuk macam doughnut. It's soft & crunchy...
- Bombay ommellette. Telur la kan.. Tapi it's baked like roti kosong, oooppsss sorry it's like roti croissant tu... Macam bentuk boomerang tu kan... Soooo big...
Hey.. can you just imagine I took all that for my breakfast... Yeah, such a heavy one... Coz this was the longest breakfast I ever take.. 1 hour15 min while waiting for my friend to come down... Huh...
Now I am wondering, will I be as thin as I was in the college... Or.... Will I as big asssssss.... Hmmm...
Okay la.. okay la... Till then, wish everyone of you happiness. No offense intended to anybody...
At Fri May 20, 12:48:00 PM,
WRA said…
Nak share pun share la...not mine anyway, dipinjamkan sahaja untuk sementara waktu...:)
Dah baca novel yg you bawak?
At Fri May 20, 12:50:00 PM,
Adlan said…
laaaa... belum baca lagi... dah baca sikit kat mesia hari tu.. sedap cerita tu... nak start gak nanti... takut nangis je.. :-)
At Fri May 20, 01:11:00 PM,
WRA said…
tak pe...nangis pun tak de orang nengoknye coz kat bilik sorang-sorang...
At Fri May 20, 03:09:00 PM,
Adlan said…
alaaa macam tka penah baca kisah orang curi duit.. "saya tak curi duit ni" tertulis kat dinding rumah tu...:-)
heheh... malas nak nangis jauh2 ni... duk mesia ada orang buleh peluk...:-)
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