Anak-anak Penawar Segala Duka Pt I
Hmmm.... The training has been psotponed for 1 hour as the board room will be occupied by VIP visitor. Let it go. I take this opportunity to brag about my kids instead... Yeah my 4 kids since my mind is still on them since last nite.
1st : Muhammad Akmal Azwar (Born : 01.01.1997; 9.15am)
He is now 8 years old. In standard 3 as the rule says, kids who were born on 1st Jan can enter school 1 year ahead. As a blind rule follower, I have registered him to Standard 1 of Sekolah Jalan 6, Bandar Baru Bangi while he was 6 years old. :-). That's why he is now in standard 3. He was as eager as a soldier on the first 6 months. Then, he took a break for 3 month towards the end of the schooling days in 2003. Hmmm... He skipped everything, class, exam, etc... When asked, he simply said, "english teacher". At later part of the year I were to find out that his english teacher used to whack him with the wood ruler (mind me, it's a 1 meter ruler used to make lines on the blackboard....) Waaa... his mother could not really take it. So, being a professional, we have tried to write a love letter to the headmaster (or headmistress??? it's a lady... how?). No reply whatsoever. What else Azwar could do at home? Disturb his other siblings as well as "sleep, wake-up, sleep, wake-up..." LOL... As the parent, we feel guilty and at times we are in "don't know what to do" stage. Force? It wasn't really working as we have not tried once but many times & I went to wild mode instead, everytime. We have decided to just let it go... After all he is merely 6 years old then. Whenever neighbours ask, we answer with smile, the sweetest ever. He was OK when entering Standard 2. He managed it well through out the year. Of course with a lot of struggling because he can only spells, reads & counts by end of Standard 2. Even that with the help from his mother who had helped him relentlessly.
1st : Muhammad Akmal Azwar (Born : 01.01.1997; 9.15am)
He is now 8 years old. In standard 3 as the rule says, kids who were born on 1st Jan can enter school 1 year ahead. As a blind rule follower, I have registered him to Standard 1 of Sekolah Jalan 6, Bandar Baru Bangi while he was 6 years old. :-). That's why he is now in standard 3. He was as eager as a soldier on the first 6 months. Then, he took a break for 3 month towards the end of the schooling days in 2003. Hmmm... He skipped everything, class, exam, etc... When asked, he simply said, "english teacher". At later part of the year I were to find out that his english teacher used to whack him with the wood ruler (mind me, it's a 1 meter ruler used to make lines on the blackboard....) Waaa... his mother could not really take it. So, being a professional, we have tried to write a love letter to the headmaster (or headmistress??? it's a lady... how?). No reply whatsoever. What else Azwar could do at home? Disturb his other siblings as well as "sleep, wake-up, sleep, wake-up..." LOL... As the parent, we feel guilty and at times we are in "don't know what to do" stage. Force? It wasn't really working as we have not tried once but many times & I went to wild mode instead, everytime. We have decided to just let it go... After all he is merely 6 years old then. Whenever neighbours ask, we answer with smile, the sweetest ever. He was OK when entering Standard 2. He managed it well through out the year. Of course with a lot of struggling because he can only spells, reads & counts by end of Standard 2. Even that with the help from his mother who had helped him relentlessly.
He is indeed a good boy now. Well, good as a boy. Proud being a father to him in any way. (Who else will be proud of him rite? :-)). He has made me cry out loud many times. I remember one day when he was in Standard 1. As usual, he refused to go school. He ended up at home and as usual, I will be late to work. With the eagerness to climb a corporate ladder then, I was rushing to work just to find out there was an accident at LDP where the whole road was blocked & not less than 10 cars involved. There were death too. Automatically, I was crying like a baby for no reason which has made my wife who was sitting beside me wonder. What could have happenned? In my mind, if I were to be at my usual schedule, could that be me among the coalitions? I took EL and went back home. I took Azwar & his siblings for a ride the whole day.
That's Azwar aka War. Backtrack a little bit, I expected him to be a girl when he was in his mother's womb. At least that's what doctor had diagnosed. Anyhow, we felt grateful being awarded a boy named Azwar by all means. Not to mention that his name was taken from her mother's dream. Reading her mother's blog this morning alone has kept my mind on him all day. I have finsihed a crystal cross-stitched while waiting for his birth. And that cross-stitched carries the name of "Anis Awadah" who happened to be our 3rd kids. :-). Even the second one still a boy... Muhammad Akmal Adlan...
Until next episode of "Anak-anak Penawar Segala Duka...", Cheers...
At Tue May 24, 01:10:00 AM,
WRA said…
Sorry to correct you..he was born at 9:45 a.m. and not 9:15 :)...masa tu you sibuk berborak dgn my father...:)
At Tue May 24, 12:25:00 PM,
Adlan said…
laaa... i thot 9.15am.. :-).. tu la ingat nak masuk labour room sekali.. masuk2 dah siap bungkus pun... tinggal nak azan je...
mak ai... sampainya hati hatimu... eh, mana gi entry 20th nyer? don't get carried away lorr... how's KL?
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