Hi, An unidentified internal energy has pulled me back here today... (Syssshhhhh, while waiting for my trainees doing data entry, I isolate myself for a little while.. Heheheh). We are due to finish by 12pm. My flight is at 4pm. I hope I will manage to grab something home later. Well, my first time in Miri & I dunno whether or not I will be here again... Not because of Miri okay... :-).
Hmmm... I am using a pre-modified phone card or in short prepaid and I am running out of credits as I used them for calling my HQ yesterday for resolving some issues with the server. You know, while doing the training here, the server refused to behave and the technical support guy was in the shopping mall... Okay, that's not the point here anyway, it's the hassle of topping the credits this morning. As usual, I reload my credit thru internet banking and it did not work as normal this morning.
You know, being someone who is in service industry too long, I strongly feel that I should be treated well coz I know my rights. On the other end, I know what they should do to customer. (I suddenly remember one complaint from one of the giant publishers in Malaysia located in Shah Alam. They promised not to use our product anymore if we do not improve our service.. Waaa.. I think they keep their promise as I did not hear from them for so long... Didn't we improve?..)
Okay back to my myth. I called the customer service. My 4 attempts went to no avail. Instead..
"wak, mekacih coz call kite, agen kiter masih sibuk wak.. tunggu jap ye... sabor la... nak ke mana pun... kan.. kan.. kan..."
My fifth attempt went thru:
Agent : (Sleepy voice)... May I can help you?
Aku : (Apa berterabur nih.. hehehhe... sib baik aku dah belajar Minglish skit ngan Puteri... paham la apa agent tu cakap)
Aku : Well, bla..bla..bla.. prepaid.. bla..bla.. problem... Account no. bla.. bla...
Agent : What's your mother's name?
Aku : (Apsal tiba2 tanya mak aku nih.. Sib baik lama dalam service ni, tahu la why she asked.. Sib baik tak cakap she had passed away.. huk..huk..)
Aku : Okay... hmm.. okay... okay... hmm... When de yeah think yea can come beck te me with d result...
Agent : I will surely call you after 2 or 1 hour... (Camana buleh 2 dulu baru 1 tu...)
In my mind:
Insufficient training
The person who supposed to be in duty falls sick (so kes tangkap muat la ni)
She was lazy when in college or school (Unlike me, learn English until year 4 in UKM, VE..kehkehkhe.. Alex, don;t laugh aaa, I know you exempted...)
She's not a friend of Puteri.. hehehe
She doesn't read blogs.
One good thing was, I could sense that she was trying very hard to satisfy me as the customer at that point of time. I was a bit cooked up initially but toned down after the conversation. To a certain extend, I came to realize that, I gotta be more patient at times. Nevertheless, I don't deny the fact that there are times they screw up everything until we may jump up the sky.
Therefore, I ask myself "am I exposed too much of this customer service thing"? Hmmm.. I hope I will manage it towards my advantage. Not until I condemn that individual who happens to be sitting there as the representative of the "sick" service provider :-). I know being the customer service agent is tough and they are also "find food" - cari makan... hehehehe..
Anyhow, I gotta reload my prepaid and I know I gotta walk to the phone shop & do just that.. No big deal isn't it?
Alexxxxx... Are you still hibernating...? Come read my blog.. :)
Sehingga ketemu lagi.... Kamek sik tauk apa mauk belik... Kenak kitak sik madah duluk...
At Sun Jul 03, 01:09:00 PM,
WRA said…
dah baca, dah komen...satu pesanku..sabooor je la hehehhehe...
At Mon Jul 04, 10:53:00 AM,
Adlan said…
yeah.. i better be sabooorrr... otherwise, makan pun tak lalu...
At Mon Jul 04, 01:09:00 PM,
Adlan said…
puteri.. minglish pun orait whaaattt... hehehe...
saya tahu... awak berpantun pun dlm bahasa inggeris kan.. :-)
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