"Away from home" Blues...
Anybody home...? I am baaacccckkkk....!!! However, I may be off to hibernation again after this to the fact that I am not done with this project yet. Yeah, the project that claims the major part of my time, daily, including weekends. This has started from August 2004 until now. It's estimated to be fully completed by year end. Too bad, I gotta deal with my mixed feeling until then. To be frank with all of you here (including the ghost that hunts me from my beloved wife's blog.. hehehe), at times I feel so down & depressed with all these. I came to realize that teaching / training is not an easy job altogether. Instead, it's a very tiring job indeed. Physically tired is one thing which I can deal with quite easily I guess. However, when the audience did not pay sufficient attention to what you are conveying is something that makes you worn out, definitely. It worsen your health when your boss did not recognize your hardwork so far. Hmmm.. Take me correctly, I am not complaining whatsoever. I am fully aware that this job has kept me & the family from famish or any stage of starvation for the past 5 years and I should be grateful to it. That's why, I use this borderless virtual space to blot my feeling out... And if you happen to be at the designated orbit at this point of time, bear with me for another coupla minutes :-). Having said all that, it does cross my mind at times to endeavor another vocation :-)
Well, I am done with blotting the disgust out.
Hmmm... It has been 2 months since my last blog. That was when I was still in India. Then, Alex has sneaked in & made a little "qaypo" in there. But that did not help me in getting out from my hectic schedule & start blogging again until this time. Nevertheless, I have never missed to read Alex's blog. I got time for that. Just that I find it difficult to arrange my thought for blogging. I chose not to blog for I was afraid that I might have mumbled nonsense instead. (I feel like I am doing it now anyway...)
Reading Alex's blog, I feel a bit jealous nowadays to the fact that Alex has gained popularity in her blog :-). I am not jealous because I did not have that much fans of mine but the happiness that she gains from that. I can see that in her now. It's very glaring. Her act, her smile, her ehem..ehem.. :-). Do I really jealous? No I don't I think. Instead, I am happy to see her happy.
I think the most joy that she ever experience is when "Pok Ku" has dropped by & wished her Happy Birthday. Well, a renowned blogger in which I think I understand why people like his creations. I started to adore his creations too.
Alex is now in her 8 months of pregnancy. That's why I can't be that close to her. Everytime I want to get close to her, my belly & her will stop us from doing just that... Hmm... I gotta revise my diet program once again. With her condition, she is still driving to work. Being her, "I don't know" is always the answer when I ask about driving her to office. Of course being a good hubby (heheheh), I promised to drive her to work until she delivers. But that will only happen after I come back from Miri.
Hey.. hey.... What did I blog laaaa.... As if I am the only husband on earth who loves his wife.. What laaa... Okay la.. okay la... I stop la.... Honestly, I am still having such a "mental probe" in arranging my thought & ideas for writing. I love writing to be honest with you but meanwhile, I may need to catch up with some techniques... Pok Ku's blog perhaps... Pok Ku, allow me to be your silent follower :-).
Bye.. See ya...
At Sun Jul 03, 03:52:00 AM,
atenah said…
*As if I'm the only husband on earth who loves his wife*
mmmmmm.......very sweet larrrr, very un-Melayu-like, Syabbas, inspector sahab!! :)
Alex u r 1 lucky woman!
At Sun Jul 03, 09:22:00 AM,
Adlan said…
tq. kinda motivation to me... :)
dengar tu... you r lucky u know.. tum janteho? nehi? mujko muhabba kia he...
At Sun Jul 03, 01:05:00 PM,
WRA said…
hehehe..me syair tu nehi...hehehhee..however, mujhe malumi...syukriah..syukria..:)
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