A Little Bit of Seriousness A Whole Lot of Fun...



Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Before I went out from home...

Yeah, I saw this cute little girl in the cradle. I took my handphone & snapped.. There she is...
She was in deep sleep. But it's only towards morning, from 5 or 6 o'clock in a morning. I dunno why. Initially she behaved good.

Only lately she is like staying up until morning. She sleeps until 1 or 2 o'clock before she starts weeping. As usual, the father is always the most patient one, make donno... The mother who can't stand it will wake up and stay up too... :)...

There is a song that makes her shut her eyes until morning actually. However, only the father knows and the father cannot make the eyes open too when singing this song... So, the father will fall asleep too.. And it happens before Atheefah falls to sleep everytime... Hmmm.. Not so effective...

By the way here the song goes... Gotta sing in Kelantanese... I inherit this song from my father. Whether or not it's an original song of my late father, I dunno...

Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (3x)
Tido Atheefah nak tido
Tido bi rulik Atheefah jago bi gerak
Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (1 x)
Tok Adam dengan la Tok Hawa
Datuk nenek moyang kita
Matilah ia di kubur luar kota
Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (1x)
Ma Husain dengan la Ma Hassan
Anak cucu Rasulullah
Matilah ia berperang sabilullah....

Ulang semua rangkap sampai budak tertidur... Ataupun kita sendiri tertidur. Kalu ada kelapangan nanti I will try to record it in audio format... Hehehhehe...

Monday, September 26, 2005

Have I been lucky before...?

Recently, or rather 1 month ago Carefourre has launched one attractive lucky draw or what not... If our purchase is worth RM60.00, we deserve 1 coupon or ticket. Then, we gotta "cucuk" the ticket in the reader box (I dun really recall what name they call it), as the pic shown above. You knew it, the light will stop at the sign on the left to denote the prize that we won.

We went to Carefourre last Saturday & we got 9 coupon. (p/s - you know when the wife goes out shopping...heheheh). I was toying with the idea whether or not to queue as there were so many people wanted to try their luck.

Well, not to miss the fun of it + Azwar was rather insisting, we waited. The boy in red shirt is Azwar who has waited patiently.

Most of the time, it stops at "Thank You, bla..bla...". Meaning, boleh blah..!!!!

However, our patience pays, Wow...!!!! He got a mystery gift! "2 butir cakelat + 1 butir puting pen"... We were smiling all the way... (Dalam hati Tuhan aje yang tahu...)

However, to answer to my entry this round...
Yeah.. Once... Got married to Alex... Hihihihi... (Bodek?)
Does it show...? Sorry... I can't help it... Chow...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Projek Azwar

It becomes an ongoing project for there was not a single person registered except his one friend who visited him on Saturday nite. As Alex has reminded me to prepare for the failure, I quickly invite them all for outing. Well, it was not really a failure though as the school was open (a replacement for the "jerubu" day) & the school will still open on this coming Saturday too. Came to know it's for the replacement of hari raya.. Hmmm...

To convince Azwar that the project was not at its end yet, I have asked him to choose 3 items as the substitute of his previous prizes when we were out wandering in Warta Bangi :). He chose colour pencil with 2 sizes + 1 magic colour where the shortest in size will be for the 3rd place & the longest will be for the champion. He was indeed happy and promised to make it happen. However, he asked me to finish the 2nd table which has gone half way due to insufficient wood supply for the foot before he continue with the competition. Otherwise, registration cannot be done properly... Hahahha..

On top of that all, I have also shared with him on "promotion". He thought he has done a good job with his little hand-written poster that says "Pertandingan mengarang hari Sabtu. Sesiapa berminat sila datang untuk Tahun 1 hingga 3. Yang dah pandai membaca pun boleh datang"..

Hahhaha.. I don't really capture what he means with his last sentence..

If no registration again this Saturday, I will bring them all to my ex-school mate gathering in KL. And may be, drop at Mid Valley for the first time in my life on the way back...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Orang nak masuk jail pun buleh merayu tau...!

I was stranded in the parking lot last nite. I thot it was still a coin operated gate. It was in my mind all the way until I totally forgot that I actually took the ticket at the entrance gate :(.

Scene : At the exit gate
Gate keeper : Tiket mana?
Aku : Ayaaa...!!! Mana letak aaaa... (Sambil meraba semua benda...)

After a few minutes, I seem to be touching a lot things but the parking ticket....

Gate keeper : Undur dulu la.. Orang lain nak parking... (While giving me her piece...)
Aku : Camna ha?
Gate Keeper : Undur dulu... Lain kali cari dulu... Undur.. Undur..
Aku : Kalu takdek gak camne?... (While reversing my car...)

I gave up. The parking ticket was nowhere to be seen. When the path was rather clear, I approached the gate once again.

Aku : Tarak jugak... Camana?
Gate Keeper : Rm20.00, senang cerita.. Undang2 ada... (While pointing to the poster...)
Aku : Tak de discount ke? (I was trying my luck while twisting my 2-piece Rm10.00 note)
Gate Keeper : Undang2 ada... Kena ikut... Saya tak boleh bagi, semua komputer dah record
Aku : Nak merayu camana...? (I was still trying my luck.. Things were so much under control)
Gate Keeper : Undang2 ada kena ikut... Orang jahat pun kena ikut...

Waaahhh..!!! She was talking "undang2" with me for 3 times... And it was now time for me to give my piece.. :)...

Aku : Eh... orang nak masuk jail pun buleh merayu tau...! So, camana saya nak merayu...?
Gate Keeper : Okay la kali ni I bagi... Lain kali tak bley tau... Meh sini Rm4.50.....

Hmmm... Will there be "next time" anyway? Yeah... the policy is made to avoid wrongdoings by the wrongdoer with the wrongintention... I was just being honest to myself... I lost the parking ticket unintentionally... And I think I deserve to pay the original amount based on time consumed.

I hope I am not being categorized under "law-breaker"... Hmmm....

Friday, September 16, 2005

Anak Sulongku....!!!

Untuk ke sekian kalinya aku menulis lagi berkenaan anak kerana benar, anak-anak merupakan penawar segala duka. Juga aku berharap, coretan-coretan ini akan dapat dihayati semula bila anak-anak dah berdiri sama tinggi dengan aku nanti.

Dan aku sentiasa berharap anak-anak akan menjadi rakan karibku nanti.

Ya.. Azwar anakku yang pertama... Isteriku tersayang sentiasa melabelkan Azwar sebagai "anak butir". (Istilah orang kampungku untuk anak manja, paling rapat, paling mengikut tabiat, perangai dan sebagainya...)

Pada coretan kali ini, aku mahu bercerita berkenaan semangat bisnes yang ada pada dirinya. Bisnes? Mungkin tidak terlalu berunsurkan bisnes tetapi naluri dia untuk mendapat pulangan untuk apa yang dia buat amat ketara sekali. Usaha yang aku kira tak kenal erti penat dan lelah jelas terpampang... Ya, disamping desakan yang bertubi-kali terhadap aku untuk dia dapatkan sesuatu demi menjayakan hasratnya.

Beberapa bulan dulu (aku seharusnya lupa tarikh sebenar kerana aku tidak ambil peduli.. Aku menyesal kerana tidak ambil peduli), dia mengadakan sesi "jualan gudang". Buku-bukunya yang lama dilambakkan di hadapan rumah dan ditwarkan dengan harga RM1.00 sebiji. Kalu tidak silap, 5 buah buku terjual dengan jayanya.

Aku terkadang malu pada jiran... Namun, perlukah aku malu...? AKu masih mencari jawapan yang sesuai.

Yang terbaru, esok dia akan mengadakan sesi pendaftaran "pertandingan mengarang" dengan yuran RM1.00. Hmm.. Aku terkedu dan sayu... Adakah ini hasil dari "reality show" yang tak habis2 di TV? Atau...? Aku masih lagi mencari jawapan yang sesuai... Namun kali ini, aku bercadang untuk menyokongnya... Biarlah perasaan malu pada jiran diketepikan buat sementara waktu.. Aku nak tengok hasilnya....

Jadi aku berbincang dengannya tentang persiapannya... Setelah beberapa detik, aku sedar dia agak teliti dengan perancangannya...
Yuran? Dia dah pikir... RM1.00.. Mahal? Alaaaahhh... Bukannya mahal sangat... Pada fikirannya :)
Format pertandingan.. Dia terangkan secara terperinci... Dan adiknya Adlan merupakan salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa yang menguruskan pendaftaran.. Manakala dia menjalankan temuduga atau panel hakim.
Hadiah? Dia dah siap bungkus pun.... (Tapi hadiah tempat ke-3 adalah yang paling berharga, handphone plastik...) - Aku tak berjanji tapi aku rasa perlu untuk membuat sesuatu. Di kepalaku, mungkin "hamper" kecik boleh menceriakan suasana... Nanti keluar solat Jumaat aku singgah Giant....

Aku ada masalah kerana dia perlukan dua meja kecil.. Dan dia mendesak aku untuk membelinya... Waahhh... tidak untung ni... Satu meja RM30.00. Penyertaan RM1.00 seorang tidak boleh menampung perbelanjaan untuk pertandingan ini... :).... Aku masih mencari jalan... Malam ini merupakan "deadline".. Hmmm....

What do you all think?....

Friday, September 02, 2005

Oh.. Saing Dungung..!!!

I have to forget my plan to be in Dungun to attend the very first Alumni Annual Gathering Meeting (AGM) of my old school, Sekoloh Menengoh Saing Dungung (SMSD)... Of all the shouts that I made in our Yahoogroup, I am sure people will tend to tag me as N.A.T.O. Whatever it is, I am sure the event will go ahead with or without me. I hope the event will be very fruitful to everybody. And I will surely support them from remote. Of the vision & direction, we wish to do something to the school. The school that has taught us so many things, that has opened our eyes, that has shown our path of life.

"Aku Bukan SiTanggang" is the theme that seems to suit the event this time round.

The joy of having to meet old friends (no old girlfriend) again is so encouraging. Most of all, I wish to see whether my name is still well-crafted on the plaque in the hall. If I remember that very well :), there are 2 plaques that carry my name; "Olahragawan" and "Ketua Pengawas". Ishk... Don't feel like combing my hair "belah-tepi-styled" anymore.. Hmmmm...

By the way, I decided not to go as:
- I can't bring the family together... Azwar is going to Melaka, Alex is in confinement.
- Partly becoz of "Alex's west-wind" last nite.. :)... The kids are so naughty until the air ventilation slots in Alex's body are all opened. No good during confinement anyway...
- I am indeed a good hubby.. Kihkihkih.... (Do I jump into the basket and carry it myself?... Huh...)

I am perfectly fine anyway. Hope Alex will allow me to play golf in the weekend.

Selamat Ber"aruba" (to those who are involved...)
... and Selamat Berhari Minggu to everybody....