School-ah aka Sekolah
Well, I am in Japan rite now (Akasaka).. Of course live & sound.. It's very cold by the way.. Reported as -1 degree Celcius... It's freezing... I hope to go back home in 1 piece though...
Anyway, while waiting for the data loading, I hopped into utusan online... "Yuran Sekolah Mahal"... Or at least that's how I translated the big front page title today. Hmmm.. I thot I was the only one who feel that. So painful... Even more painful when the travelling expenses have not been reimbursed yet... But lucky me for not having to drag everything out from the kitchen to cover the school expenses... It's good la if anyone feels responsible to seriously look into this... With 2 in the school now + 3 to follow in these few years, I see myself at petrol station doing part time to leverage the spending... Uhuk..!!! A friend of mine used to say, "pandai bikin pandai jaga la..." True la... But if the fee is really inhumane, do something lorr.. Otherwise, I may need to make friend with Sharizat Jalil for rescue... :). Furthermore, someone has pointed out in the paper that Ministry has allocated money for them. A big urgh if it is true & relevant.
The other part is the process of getting your kids registered on day 1. I agree to what Alex has pointed out. I would say there are plenty of rooms to improve. I don't deny the fact that I may seem to be so petty with that 1 day out of 365 days. Just to spend time with your beloved kids at school. Not to mention the PIBG meeting & Sport Day that you never come. I take all that, but what's wrong with improving it anyway? Hehehhe.. I got my way out everytime lah... Or may be I should play a role here... Shall I propose to re-visit the registration process, payment, etc? In case necessary, automate them... And much more interesting, all at no cost... Cikgu Besar, what do you say?
Ok lah... I hope it's not too late to wish new year to everyone...!
Anyway, while waiting for the data loading, I hopped into utusan online... "Yuran Sekolah Mahal"... Or at least that's how I translated the big front page title today. Hmmm.. I thot I was the only one who feel that. So painful... Even more painful when the travelling expenses have not been reimbursed yet... But lucky me for not having to drag everything out from the kitchen to cover the school expenses... It's good la if anyone feels responsible to seriously look into this... With 2 in the school now + 3 to follow in these few years, I see myself at petrol station doing part time to leverage the spending... Uhuk..!!! A friend of mine used to say, "pandai bikin pandai jaga la..." True la... But if the fee is really inhumane, do something lorr.. Otherwise, I may need to make friend with Sharizat Jalil for rescue... :). Furthermore, someone has pointed out in the paper that Ministry has allocated money for them. A big urgh if it is true & relevant.
The other part is the process of getting your kids registered on day 1. I agree to what Alex has pointed out. I would say there are plenty of rooms to improve. I don't deny the fact that I may seem to be so petty with that 1 day out of 365 days. Just to spend time with your beloved kids at school. Not to mention the PIBG meeting & Sport Day that you never come. I take all that, but what's wrong with improving it anyway? Hehehhe.. I got my way out everytime lah... Or may be I should play a role here... Shall I propose to re-visit the registration process, payment, etc? In case necessary, automate them... And much more interesting, all at no cost... Cikgu Besar, what do you say?
Ok lah... I hope it's not too late to wish new year to everyone...!
At Wed Jan 04, 05:18:00 PM,
WRA said…
See, I told you already...musti sejuk gilos punya kat situ...sib baik dok 4 hari je...kalau sebulan? busuk la bau baju sejuk tu hehehehehehe
At Wed Jan 04, 05:27:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
tu la... meh la.. :)
anak2 ok hari ni...?
At Fri Jan 06, 09:43:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
tq PB..
ado saing royak, slamat hari jjadi..
At Fri Jan 06, 12:17:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
RB - sejuk bedo'oh nih... tu la, kalu tahu awal2 lagi bawak.. :)
At Fri Jan 06, 01:05:00 PM,
Akuro ® said…
Happy birthday to you...
You were born in the zoo...
With the monkey n kangaroo...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday AbgJD...
God bless you...
May (bkn bulan Mei)2006 brings more joy n (shared) happiness to you n your dear family...
At Fri Jan 06, 03:14:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
tq akuro... i hope that too...
At Fri Jan 06, 10:25:00 PM,
Ayu Mohamad said…
happy belated bday to ABG JD.. semoga bahagia di dunai dan akhirat, semoga dirahmati Allah selalu, diberkatiNya dan moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan abg JD di dunia mahupun akhirat kelak.. aminnnn
At Fri Jan 06, 10:35:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
tq ayu.. jarang nampak skang... mana pi...?
At Fri Jan 13, 10:06:00 AM,
Happy Belated Birthday Abg JD..Moga diberi kesihatan yg baik, kekayaan melimpah ruah, kebahagiaan seisi keluarga dunia & akhirat!! Bila sejuk baru teringat kat isteri...kak wan sejuk kak wan? wakakakaka...
At Fri Feb 23, 01:57:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
best regards, nice info » »
At Mon Mar 05, 12:17:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »
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