Sometimes... I feel GUILTY..!
What a weekend...! Except eating & sleeping, I just watch TV on Sunday... Burppp... Sorry, I am too full to breathe. As usual, Monday always seems dull & sour. Even worse if the traffic is terribly heavy & your car can just move an inch at a time. Yeah, this morning towards reaching Sg Besi toll, I was like stranded in the car-only island.
While scratching Alex's hand, I looked left & right. Everybody seemed to be so engrossed with the driving. Sour & fierce face. I noticed one thing though... Most of the cars have only 2 human being in them; max! And many were only with 1, the driver. The underlying truth is, I am very much one of them. Am I contributing to this "mind-killing" traffic jam?
I feel guilty..! But what can I do?
In Jakarta, they have introduced "3 in 1" hour where at peak hours only cars with minimum 3 persons in them allowed to pass through. Otherwise, the chocolate uniformed transport police officers will give you a nice lecture on behalf of your boss.
In Thailand, you have "toot-toot" as an alternative transport to reach your office. Although, it is a bit unsafe, their "chilok" will at least help you to reach destination earlier.
In Bangalore, everybody is an expert in "chilok" including the bus driver. So, it's fair that everybody will still be late to office anyway.
I have yet to feel the hussle & bustle of Tokyo. Will do that by middle of this month. However, if I may rephrase the statement from the Japanese guy who is here in my office who was then so amazed with the car that I am driving, "Ing Tokyo ne.. I.. I.. do not needd car. Faifu minit walk to subway train from my house. Easy ne...". I responded "sooooo desuka?.... If you have Google Earth installed in your machine, you may find this true as Tokyo is mostly covered with comprehensive subway link. May be Alex's friend in Japan can comment on this :).
Back to Malaysia. Any other way to help reducing the vehicle on the road?
While scratching Alex's hand, I looked left & right. Everybody seemed to be so engrossed with the driving. Sour & fierce face. I noticed one thing though... Most of the cars have only 2 human being in them; max! And many were only with 1, the driver. The underlying truth is, I am very much one of them. Am I contributing to this "mind-killing" traffic jam?
I feel guilty..! But what can I do?
In Jakarta, they have introduced "3 in 1" hour where at peak hours only cars with minimum 3 persons in them allowed to pass through. Otherwise, the chocolate uniformed transport police officers will give you a nice lecture on behalf of your boss.
In Thailand, you have "toot-toot" as an alternative transport to reach your office. Although, it is a bit unsafe, their "chilok" will at least help you to reach destination earlier.
In Bangalore, everybody is an expert in "chilok" including the bus driver. So, it's fair that everybody will still be late to office anyway.
I have yet to feel the hussle & bustle of Tokyo. Will do that by middle of this month. However, if I may rephrase the statement from the Japanese guy who is here in my office who was then so amazed with the car that I am driving, "Ing Tokyo ne.. I.. I.. do not needd car. Faifu minit walk to subway train from my house. Easy ne...". I responded "sooooo desuka?.... If you have Google Earth installed in your machine, you may find this true as Tokyo is mostly covered with comprehensive subway link. May be Alex's friend in Japan can comment on this :).
Back to Malaysia. Any other way to help reducing the vehicle on the road?
At Tue Dec 06, 12:58:00 PM,
WRA said…
buat undang-undang, office car hanya lah keta kecit like kancil, kelisa, mini, VW and the like...heheheheh
At Tue Dec 06, 03:44:00 PM,
kak wan..tambah lagi sket...keta mainan...wakakakaka...
At Tue Dec 06, 06:19:00 PM,
WRA said…
sabo je la...hehehehehe
At Wed Dec 07, 08:17:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
MR ni hahahaha mmg ler!!!
Abg JD, govt shud improve public transport services ler.. baru le org ramai naik public transport..
At Thu Dec 08, 05:06:00 PM,
Jill Yusoff said…
Kena buat covered walkway merata-rata sebab panas la nak berjalan gi LRT/Komuter/Bus station. heheh
At Fri Dec 09, 11:31:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hehe..bes woo naik train..especially time rush hour..train kat jepun ni lebih kurang cam bas mini kat kl dulu. slogan penumpang dia "slagi aku leh masuk, aku masuk"
At Mon Dec 12, 12:41:00 PM,
RB: kata nak amik 636..tak do jam dah ha...
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