An Undermining Of Generosity
In general, Malaysians are generous in many aspects. Be it Malay, Indian, Chinese and/or Caucasian, they are indeed generous. Among many other perspectives, I feel like bragging about Malaysian being so generous in giving "donation". Whether we realize it or not, a person and/or a group of people who are after these generous Malaysians (so called donors) exist at almost every corner of our city; mosques, markets, shop+ping complexes, sideroads, etc. Usually, this group of people come in 2 forms; beggars and official institue (or claimed to be). Bet yeah, they have everything to proof who they are, etc...
A specific event, this afternoon; while waiting for Alex, there was a group of youngsters (from my eyes) in front of Central Market, KL were persuading passersby to donate to the fund-rasing exercise for building a new home for "anak yatim" (parentless kids?). RM1.00 is to get the bookmarker in return & RM5.00 is for the plastic fan. I am sorry, I did not get any of those simply because I did not donate a single cent. So did Alex. When asked, Alex responded with exactly the same thought that has mingled my mind. It's the way they talk, behave & dress.
Being me a natural "rocker" myself (LOL...!), I can't seem to sync in when yougsters speak with rockers' style to an elderly like myself. Further to that, they did not behave in a way a-person-in-need should. To be a lil' bit exaggerate, the boy with loosen jeans that cannot fit their waist but their butt really dribble my appetite away. Plus with a girl who put on belly-cut tight t-shirt has truly turned my perception upside down.
Scold me for being bias, discerning, judicios, etc, etc. Nevertheless, the activity / exercise that they are after, did not suit them at all. Or rather, their organization should not send them at the first place.
Is it too much to say that our generosity has been undermined by certain group of people? Apart from that, the genuinity remains vague to my eyes. I remain uncertain of this situation. Think about it, a surge of frustation crosses the bottom part of my heart, at times. With the heart to help this under-privileged people like elderly, beggars and "anak yatim"; the truth behind it is sometime so disheartening... What do you think?
Who is responsible to control this?
Is it a responsibility of our government?
What proof should be really a proof? Etc.. Etc...
Hazy quentions continue... and continue....!!!
A specific event, this afternoon; while waiting for Alex, there was a group of youngsters (from my eyes) in front of Central Market, KL were persuading passersby to donate to the fund-rasing exercise for building a new home for "anak yatim" (parentless kids?). RM1.00 is to get the bookmarker in return & RM5.00 is for the plastic fan. I am sorry, I did not get any of those simply because I did not donate a single cent. So did Alex. When asked, Alex responded with exactly the same thought that has mingled my mind. It's the way they talk, behave & dress.
Being me a natural "rocker" myself (LOL...!), I can't seem to sync in when yougsters speak with rockers' style to an elderly like myself. Further to that, they did not behave in a way a-person-in-need should. To be a lil' bit exaggerate, the boy with loosen jeans that cannot fit their waist but their butt really dribble my appetite away. Plus with a girl who put on belly-cut tight t-shirt has truly turned my perception upside down.
Scold me for being bias, discerning, judicios, etc, etc. Nevertheless, the activity / exercise that they are after, did not suit them at all. Or rather, their organization should not send them at the first place.
Is it too much to say that our generosity has been undermined by certain group of people? Apart from that, the genuinity remains vague to my eyes. I remain uncertain of this situation. Think about it, a surge of frustation crosses the bottom part of my heart, at times. With the heart to help this under-privileged people like elderly, beggars and "anak yatim"; the truth behind it is sometime so disheartening... What do you think?
Who is responsible to control this?
Is it a responsibility of our government?
What proof should be really a proof? Etc.. Etc...
Hazy quentions continue... and continue....!!!
At Wed Oct 12, 04:58:00 PM,
WRA said…
Actually, while saying the things I said (i.e. penampilan mereka tak sesuai tu), this thot crossed my mind as well i.e."Should we judge people based on their clothes?"..tapi itu la, instinct told me that something is not right...
At Wed Oct 12, 05:01:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
kalo betul utk anak yatim rasa nya depa akan behave.. rasa nya setuju dgn kak wan..something goes wrong somewhere...
At Thu Oct 13, 08:23:00 AM,
Jill Yusoff said…
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At Thu Oct 13, 08:26:00 AM,
Jill Yusoff said…
I don't normally give. Would rather give to the mak cik-pak cik hok dok menyanyi kat pasar malam tuh. At least I know they are genuine and I terhibur.
*Sori about deleting the above comment. Silap blog daa*
At Thu Oct 13, 08:29:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
banyak sangat yang meminta lebih lebih lagi bulan posa nie. Keluar jer dari bank, mesti ramai yang dtg dekat. Pilih mana yang rasa betul betul memerlukan. Mana yg rasa tak perlu sangat tu, tu , just geleng geleng kepala jer lah.
At Thu Oct 13, 09:49:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with all of you... follow our heart.. subsequently, do not regret.. kira halal la...
At Sat Oct 15, 12:02:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
pakai baju kurung ler... :)
derma utk your mercy project? thru company lor...
masuk address your letter to HR... pas tu surat tu pass kat i.. then i bley explain la skit kat diorang...
At Fri Oct 28, 09:26:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
B'cos most of Malaysian people are so generous and kind hearthed, these so call NGO's or non-profit org. are growing like cendawan and we never know its genuinity, if we feel somthing fishy then the best way is to report to the authority concern of mislead of public cherity and fund rising for the needy....
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