Projek Azwar
It becomes an ongoing project for there was not a single person registered except his one friend who visited him on Saturday nite. As Alex has reminded me to prepare for the failure, I quickly invite them all for outing. Well, it was not really a failure though as the school was open (a replacement for the "jerubu" day) & the school will still open on this coming Saturday too. Came to know it's for the replacement of hari raya.. Hmmm...
To convince Azwar that the project was not at its end yet, I have asked him to choose 3 items as the substitute of his previous prizes when we were out wandering in Warta Bangi :). He chose colour pencil with 2 sizes + 1 magic colour where the shortest in size will be for the 3rd place & the longest will be for the champion. He was indeed happy and promised to make it happen. However, he asked me to finish the 2nd table which has gone half way due to insufficient wood supply for the foot before he continue with the competition. Otherwise, registration cannot be done properly... Hahahha..
On top of that all, I have also shared with him on "promotion". He thought he has done a good job with his little hand-written poster that says "Pertandingan mengarang hari Sabtu. Sesiapa berminat sila datang untuk Tahun 1 hingga 3. Yang dah pandai membaca pun boleh datang"..
Hahhaha.. I don't really capture what he means with his last sentence..
If no registration again this Saturday, I will bring them all to my ex-school mate gathering in KL. And may be, drop at Mid Valley for the first time in my life on the way back...
To convince Azwar that the project was not at its end yet, I have asked him to choose 3 items as the substitute of his previous prizes when we were out wandering in Warta Bangi :). He chose colour pencil with 2 sizes + 1 magic colour where the shortest in size will be for the 3rd place & the longest will be for the champion. He was indeed happy and promised to make it happen. However, he asked me to finish the 2nd table which has gone half way due to insufficient wood supply for the foot before he continue with the competition. Otherwise, registration cannot be done properly... Hahahha..
On top of that all, I have also shared with him on "promotion". He thought he has done a good job with his little hand-written poster that says "Pertandingan mengarang hari Sabtu. Sesiapa berminat sila datang untuk Tahun 1 hingga 3. Yang dah pandai membaca pun boleh datang"..
Hahhaha.. I don't really capture what he means with his last sentence..
If no registration again this Saturday, I will bring them all to my ex-school mate gathering in KL. And may be, drop at Mid Valley for the first time in my life on the way back...
At Thu Sep 22, 08:40:00 PM,
WRA said…
dia dah komplen kat saya "Mak, tak de org daftar jugok nih...."...and I said..."tu lah...kalau takde jugok, ambik ke War la hadiah tuh"...
dia tanya balik "Tiga-tiga sekali ambik ke war?"
saya kata "kongsi ngan Adlan la sekali.."...hehehehehe..
At Fri Sep 23, 10:44:00 AM,
alia said…
hehehhe tapi bagus ler.. walaupun takder org dpt atleast sokongan mok & ayoh tu yg buat rasa dier bangga & terharu kots.. keep it up..
At Fri Sep 23, 03:33:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
hehehehe azwar... tapi bagus gak la plan abg JD tu.. isk kalo saya ade anak, leh saya suh join pertandingan azwar nih hehehehe
At Sat Sep 24, 05:46:00 PM,
Akuro ® said…
Kalu syusyah² sgt, Akuro jela yg masuk bertanding? Amacam? Aci? Hehehe..!
BTW, Abg JD n K'Wan kecek Klate/Gganu ker dgn anok² dumoh?
At Sun Sep 25, 12:30:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmmm.. meja dia dah kna duduk ngan sorang kawan... collapse... :)
bat => for sure..
ayu => cepat2 la ada anak ;)
akuro => mix.. tapi ganung supercede kut..
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