Detik 12 Malam...!

(Finally managed to load the pic. Alex was in pain, be patient Dear; while baby was deep in sleep)
The most awaiting moment has finally arrived... A cute baby girl has made its appearance on earth for the very first time.Yeah...!!! Anis Atheefah is the name to be....Well, I am not gonna brag a lot now. It's 2.30am my dear friends. I got a lot of things to do in a morning. Thus, I need a little sleep anyhow...I am updating this at this very hour to fulfill a special request from Alex to all her well-wishers. She felt less pain this time compared to the previous ones. She quoted that (before she really push the baby out), this must be due to the "doa" from her friend-bloggers...Overall, the baby & the mom are in good condition. Of coz, I saw Alex was putting extra effort to subside the pain.
Statistical Data:
Time of birth : 12.32am
Date of birth : 12th. August, 2005
Weight : 3.65kg
Statistical Data:
Time of birth : 12.32am
Date of birth : 12th. August, 2005
Weight : 3.65kg
p/s - My few attempts to load the pic failed... I give up.. Too sleepy to try.
At Fri Aug 12, 06:59:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat... tadi dapat sms drp Kak Wan at 6.33am bgtau semuanya dah selamat.. tu yang baca blog abg JD ni..alhamdulillah.. semoga baby Theefah sama kak Wan sihat selalu..aminnn...ok abg JD..pasnih jgn lpa try masukkan gambo baby ek..
At Fri Aug 12, 10:49:00 AM,
Akuro ® said…
Wah!! Alhamdulillah. At last dia tubik juga Atheefah ni. Dah lama Kak Akuro tunggu tau. Sampai terlepas dh 2 hari. Huuuu...! Tapi takpela at least kita sesama Leo kan Baby Atheefah? Bestnyer Abg JD n K'Wan. Congratulation to both of you. Akuro tak sabar nk tgk rupa baby Atheefah.. Mestti cute! K'Wan, cepat sembuh ya??? Take care!
At Fri Aug 12, 11:17:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
syukur alhmdulillah...penantian dah berakhir..dapat baby girl!!! syonoknyerrrr....3.65 kg besar tu!
boleh lah plan2 nak buat lawatan nanti..
At Fri Aug 12, 11:40:00 AM,
Aida said…
congrats to JD and Alex..
At Fri Aug 12, 01:01:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
tahniah to both JD and Kak Wan for another bundle of joy..
:) :) :) :)
At Fri Aug 12, 01:04:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to Wan & hubby.
Update Wan, kelas batal 2 ari, bebudak tak yah dtg, tapi cikgu-cikgu kena dtg. Syoknya la sapa-sapa yg bole cuti panjang tuu ;P
At Fri Aug 12, 01:40:00 PM,
Jill Yusoff said…
Tahniah JD & Alex. Finally.
At Fri Aug 12, 02:18:00 PM,
alia said…
semoga mak dan anak sihat hendaknya..
At Fri Aug 12, 03:59:00 PM,
Adlan said…
to all... thanks a lot... your wish means a lot to alex...
jap nak try load pic sekali lagi...
At Fri Aug 12, 05:27:00 PM,
elisataufik said…
Kirim salam to 'Alex' :)
At Fri Aug 12, 10:49:00 PM,
hana_kirana said…
tahniahhh.... :)
At Sat Aug 13, 02:47:00 PM,
Akuro ® said…
Baby Atheefah comey, cam mak dia gaks. Nak ckp cam ayah dia, tak tau laks rupa ayah dia camno. Hint tu Abang JD, tak reti²? Haha!
At Sat Aug 13, 11:09:00 PM,
Adlan said…
muka ayah? meh nak citer... puteri pernah tengok gambar ayah atheefah masa kat sydney... mat salleh duk sebelah tu... expression puteri masa tu... maaakkk hensemnyaaaa.. tapi ayat sambungannya.. mat saleh tu la... hmmmm....
(jap la nak cari gambar masa kawin dulu... muda skit.. :))
At Sun Aug 14, 09:50:00 AM,
At Sun Aug 14, 01:37:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mabruk2! Sedapnya nama ... apa maksud dia yer?
At Tue Aug 16, 10:40:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
ahaks....maaakkk...lagi sekali....ensem nya mat saleh tuuu...
At Wed Aug 17, 06:06:00 PM,
AuntyN said…
Congratulations to you and Alex for the arrival of a new baby. Alhamdullillah semua selamat. Baby pun nampak sihat.
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