An art of giving feedback...
Well... Alex is good at this... Hmmm.. The Right-brainer.. Hehehhe... By the way, I would like to share this conversation that I had with Alex this morning while driving her to work.
Alex : Azwar mintak tak nak gi sekolah agama petang ni...
Me : Why?
Alex : Pasal kerja rumah tak siap la...
Me : Apsal tak buat...?
Alex : Bahasa Arab.
Me : What's wrong with Bahasa Arab?
Alex : Azwar cakap, tanya Mak kan tahu pun...!
Alex : Dah suruh tanya kawan, Azwar kata kawan tak bagi nyer.
I paused the conversation for a little while and think. I think I know what Alex was trying to convey. :). Then, I decided to open space for her.... The conversation continued..
Me : Apsal tak tanya Ayah?
Me : Ayah kan terror bab bahasa arab ni... (Dulu la..)
Alex : Hmmmm... Macam la Ayah ada, nak tanya itu ini...
Alex : Entah la... Nak jumpa hubby sendiri pun by appointment skang ni.
Alex : Ayah asyik keluar je...
Alex : Rasa macam masa bercinta dulu je.. Dapat jumpa kejap2 je...
Me : Smile.
That was an art to me... The intention was crystal clear, "not to hurt me" at the first place. At least that's what I concluded myself. And I promised her to blog about this which I do now.
A special note to Alex:
I treasure the feedback. I will do my best. Jgn hilang mood banyak sangat, nanti baby nangis.
Ma zallazi, yakhruju minal duburi dujjah...?
The answer is none other than "telur ayam". Hihihii...
Salam Permisi...
Alex : Azwar mintak tak nak gi sekolah agama petang ni...
Me : Why?
Alex : Pasal kerja rumah tak siap la...
Me : Apsal tak buat...?
Alex : Bahasa Arab.
Me : What's wrong with Bahasa Arab?
Alex : Azwar cakap, tanya Mak kan tahu pun...!
Alex : Dah suruh tanya kawan, Azwar kata kawan tak bagi nyer.
I paused the conversation for a little while and think. I think I know what Alex was trying to convey. :). Then, I decided to open space for her.... The conversation continued..
Me : Apsal tak tanya Ayah?
Me : Ayah kan terror bab bahasa arab ni... (Dulu la..)
Alex : Hmmmm... Macam la Ayah ada, nak tanya itu ini...
Alex : Entah la... Nak jumpa hubby sendiri pun by appointment skang ni.
Alex : Ayah asyik keluar je...
Alex : Rasa macam masa bercinta dulu je.. Dapat jumpa kejap2 je...
Me : Smile.
That was an art to me... The intention was crystal clear, "not to hurt me" at the first place. At least that's what I concluded myself. And I promised her to blog about this which I do now.
A special note to Alex:
I treasure the feedback. I will do my best. Jgn hilang mood banyak sangat, nanti baby nangis.
Ma zallazi, yakhruju minal duburi dujjah...?
The answer is none other than "telur ayam". Hihihii...
Salam Permisi...
At Wed Jul 27, 01:09:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Semoga ayahnya akan lebih meluangkan masa.. lagik2 kak Wan dah dekat due tu :)
p/s : Mula-mula sekali...tak perasan.. tapi lama2 baca.. isk mcm senang jer baca blog abd JD kite nih.. rupa nya dah tuko font size hehe
At Wed Jul 27, 01:16:00 PM,
Adlan said…
tq ayu... noted the advice... tu la tak leh gosok perut dia lama2, anak kat dalam tu asyik tendang je....
font? :)... keranamu ayu... tq.. tq.. tq...
At Wed Jul 27, 02:31:00 PM,
WRA said…
banyak la dia punya nak bagi hint heheheheh....dah terasa tu cakap je la...tak yah nak cover-cover HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!
At Wed Jul 27, 02:36:00 PM,
Adlan said…
that is also an art whattt...!!!
At Wed Jul 27, 02:40:00 PM,
WRA said…
ayu...akak tak leh nak post komen lagi sekali kat blog ayu....ada masaalah....hmmm...
At Wed Jul 27, 05:19:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Abg JD, kalo dia tendang tu tandanya dia happy sebab ayah dia dok usap2 perut mak dia merangkap usap dia.. betoi kan K.wan?... ;)
K.Wan.. tak tau la nape akak takleh hantar comment.Ni ank balik umah dah..kire etrputus hubungan dah la lepas ni.Jumpa esok.. membawa hati yg lara..
p/s : sori aaa Abg JD hhehehe tumpang guna blog ni bg msg pada K.Wan :P
At Thu Jul 28, 08:48:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hmm much better!!! font kecik takpe..asalkan tak rapat... tahniah! tahniah! :P
At Thu Jul 28, 09:39:00 AM,
Adlan said…
tq once again... good customer service is when we can fulfill what customer wants, even better if we can anticipate it... same goes to blogging.. heheheh...
At Thu Jul 28, 05:50:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
terrer sunggoh berbahasa arab, omputih pun ok.. kira kira mung ni kaki ayat la.. hahahahahaha
-sapa lagi-
'Winning the game is so sweet but ...... is so special. hehehehe
At Thu Jul 28, 08:59:00 PM,
Adlan said…
hey john safe,
the winning is so sweet when it happens over the champion... you got it rite? in other words, it's not sweet at all if it happens over the born-loser.. heheheh
eg. winning over tiger wood is so sweet compared to winning over danny.. hahahahha
At Tue Nov 15, 01:51:00 AM,
Kasih_sya said…
Tumpang bahagia tengok orang bahagia.....
At Fri Mar 02, 01:34:00 PM,
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