Dah main golf tu tak bazir...?
That's the question my eldest son asks everytime we argue about buying toys he and his brother like. The conversation goes like this...
Son : Ayah, nak ni boleh? (While pointing to the toys in the shopping complex)
Ayah : Tak yah la.. Banyak dah beli... Membazir je... Main 2 minit pas tu rosak... (While looking at the price...)
Son : Bazir je tau... Dah main golf tu tak bazir... Ketuk bola... Jalan... Ketuk.. Jalan... Kena kepala baru tau... Ikut sangat kawan tu... Kalu War (his nick name) ikut sangat cakap kawan, marah. War nak beli ni sikit pun tak boley...
Well, that simple conversation or I would rather call it as "leteran" :), would normally leave me speechless. Not angry at all. And everytime it happens, I will seek kinda assistance from Alex. Gotcha, Alex is as speechless as I am. To be frank, until now I have no idea on how to answer this particular question from my son. Help me folks! Especially to my golf buddies. You are referred as "kawan" by my son... So, you gotta help me answer his question.
While my son & me have our own points to argue, I would really like to see his angle of argument. See whether you can assist me finding his valid point. Meanwhile, allow me to stipulate some bewildering facts that have been boggling my mind thus far:
- Is palying golf really wasting? Money, energy, time, etc? To me it's about sports.
- Do I really "ikut cakap kawan" as claimed by my son? I don't think so either.
- To the fact that I do not lie on buying same toys and it breaks in a very short period of time.
- Is it me who encourage them for wanting more toys everytime? Partly true as I mostly refer to the price as the deciding factor. If it is below RM5.00, then, I will somehow mellow down and finally pay.
Haaa... Buck, you think easy ah? Buat anak senang... Tapi nak maintain...? Tahu la kau.. :)
Nevertheless, of all the facts above, how do we really share them with our kids.... Come on, help me...
Come to think about it, is it now the best time for us to grow them "glokal"? where "akar berpaksi di kota dan desa namun akal menerjah serata dunia..."
Come to think about it once again, memang really "baru tau" if the golf ball hits my head... Like what happened to my buddy where the golf ball hit his left-side chess. Thank God he has a thicker breast. Kinda cushion at least. Or kinda absorber bumber. The impact was nto that heavy. :-). He actually hit the ball nicely. Somehow the ball went straight to the steel box (the sprinkler cover on the field) and being good in physics, of coz the ball will get reflected towards as fast as he hit. It sounds "dddduuuuppppp".... And he fell down and laugh for pain... Hahahha.
Okay la...
At Wed Jul 20, 10:50:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jiz, mari aku nok tulung skit... hehehe....
No. 1: mung beli jer la mainang tu kalu x mboh pening pala...
No. 2: mung ajok la dier main golf... baru la dier tau betapa syoknyer maing golf ni... kalu nok cite ke dia, susoh nok paham... lagi kan org tue pung dok paham paham... hehehehe...
ari ahad ni, nilai spring 1.26pm. kalu nok kensel, kabor awal 2 hari, kalu dok kene fine RM100. kalu dok maing, hok tu baru bazir duit... hahahahaha
OKT-byk skit masa lapang sejak mung ganti aku .. hehehe...
At Wed Jul 20, 10:56:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
sori.. hehehe
dok ingat nama mung JD...
OKT/ John Safe
At Wed Jul 20, 11:21:00 AM,
WRA said…
amboi..laju post hari ni....tak de keje ke? hehehehehe....
anyway, I think there is something else yg Azwar nak sampaikan...not so much on the membazir and not so much on buying his toys...maybe he just misses his father..anak butir la katakan....
At Wed Jul 20, 11:32:00 AM,
Adlan said…
OKT.. kahkahakah.... aku setuju tu.
Alex.. oo ya la... dulu dok penoh kita bagi leteran kat ayah kita... anak2 skang ni... :)... tapi feel good anyway... I will do my best..
At Wed Jul 20, 02:29:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
bukang x dok keje, tapi free skit lenni sejak buat pembahagian tugas dgn JD... hehehehe....bulang ni dier cover.... nok tau keje apa, kene tanyer JD tu.... kalu nok join pung bagus jugak... dok gitu JD... hahahaha
At Wed Jul 20, 03:56:00 PM,
Adlan said…
hahahahah... memang penat kerja cover ni... sms everytime panjang berjela... hahhahaha..
At Wed Jul 20, 09:35:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
sebelum tu, si anonymous ni yg kak wan dgn JD tak tau sapa kan dulu? so now dah tau la yer.. :P
nak komen sket..letih aa baca JD nya entry.. kasik le enter sket hehe baru le senang baca..dah le font size cute mute ..jgn marah ek.. ni komen membina
At Wed Jul 20, 10:27:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think Alex is right, your son just miss you. My significant other didn't play golf - itu pun anak complain kalo balik lewat atau kerja on weekend. Our son once complaint, "ayah ni cuti2 pun keje and he just 3 years old.
Children did not spend love as L.O.V.E but T.I.M.E
-just my 2 cents-
At Thu Jul 21, 01:25:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
ayu.. camana nak besarkan font hah? tried but tak jadi.. dah terasa sebelum ni sebenarnya...
onde2.. tq... masalahnya ayah spell love as G.O.L.F. trying anyway... tq once again...
At Thu Jul 21, 02:05:00 PM,
Adlan said…
puteri... elok la tu.. nama ayu gak.. hehhe kaki potong stim.. ahhahaha... tapi tak pe.. suke org sound derek... tak de selindung.. kalu terasa pun kejap je... pas realized the intention behind it orait la... kalu tak pendaaammm je.. hahahahah...
At Thu Jul 21, 08:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
put3 hehe bukan apa .. mata kite gak yg sakit beno nya..ye dak?nak besarkan font hehe..tak tau laa.. sebab tak guna blogspot..tapi kalo tak leh besarkan takpe..tapi kasik enter leee.. okes?
At Fri Jul 22, 05:26:00 PM,
ajakla satu family main golf....
At Mon Jul 25, 03:33:00 AM,
Adlan said…
dah ajak alex 14 kali dah... tak mo gak...
At Mon Jul 25, 01:25:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
JD, baru ajak 14 kali.. ajakla 360 kali.. :P
At Mon Jul 25, 04:46:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
tahniah yer untuk your 'bakal anak dara'.. semoga semuanya selamat.. aminnn
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