Hello... Merajuk Lagi....?
It has been 2 continuous nites.... I got bombarded by someone... OK, it's my mistakes after all. I am not gonna talk a single word about it anyway. It was about my phone conversation with Alex this afternoon.
To home phone => Ring... ring.. ring... ring... ring... (12 times). It was ringing none until it was dead.
To Alex's HP => Ring... Kring.. Ring.. Kring.. (5 times). Until the 6th one....
Alex : Lo... (Short cut for Hello...)
Me : Mana gi semua ni...?
Alex : Ada... Dok dengar.. HP duk dalam bilik...
Me : Rumah?
Alex : Hihihi.. Dok ingat nak sambung lepas access Internet malam tadi...
Me : OK la.. Tak dok mood doh nak borak... Bye...
To the fact that I wanted to ensure that Alex is OK with the coming soon baby, I was like worry shit when nobody cares to pick up the phone. My feeling was not that stable then... That's why I decided to cut the conversation off.
The next 10 - 15 minutes... My phone rings, showing "Home".
Me : Hm?
Alex : Hihi... Merajuk lagi?
Me : Chuckling... My mood suddenly came back...
The conversation continued.. You don't want to know anyway.. But one thing for sure, it's not about KoteX that my anonymous friend was talking about eventhough I know I gotta get used to its term soon... :(....
Some points for you to ponder:-
- A little follow up from Alex has done wonders... (I can feel how Ayu misses her other half tremendously... hihihih)
- Give & take between both hubby & wife is indeed necessary...
- Continue to show that you care...
- A little bombardment is nothing compared to the love between the husband & the wife...
John Safe, do you agree with me? You sure do.... LOL...
To home phone => Ring... ring.. ring... ring... ring... (12 times). It was ringing none until it was dead.
To Alex's HP => Ring... Kring.. Ring.. Kring.. (5 times). Until the 6th one....
Alex : Lo... (Short cut for Hello...)
Me : Mana gi semua ni...?
Alex : Ada... Dok dengar.. HP duk dalam bilik...
Me : Rumah?
Alex : Hihihi.. Dok ingat nak sambung lepas access Internet malam tadi...
Me : OK la.. Tak dok mood doh nak borak... Bye...
To the fact that I wanted to ensure that Alex is OK with the coming soon baby, I was like worry shit when nobody cares to pick up the phone. My feeling was not that stable then... That's why I decided to cut the conversation off.
The next 10 - 15 minutes... My phone rings, showing "Home".
Me : Hm?
Alex : Hihi... Merajuk lagi?
Me : Chuckling... My mood suddenly came back...
The conversation continued.. You don't want to know anyway.. But one thing for sure, it's not about KoteX that my anonymous friend was talking about eventhough I know I gotta get used to its term soon... :(....
Some points for you to ponder:-
- A little follow up from Alex has done wonders... (I can feel how Ayu misses her other half tremendously... hihihih)
- Give & take between both hubby & wife is indeed necessary...
- Continue to show that you care...
- A little bombardment is nothing compared to the love between the husband & the wife...
John Safe, do you agree with me? You sure do.... LOL...
At Mon Aug 08, 07:31:00 PM,
ye ke? tgh pk..
At Mon Aug 08, 07:48:00 PM,
Akuro ® said…
Alamak, Abe JD majuk ker td? Jgnla camtu okeeeeee... Nanti baby kt dlm perut tu pun cedih... Keskeskes...!
K'Wan rocksss... leh pujuk Abe JD balik. Girl Power!!!
*Uuups..! Over laks*
At Mon Aug 08, 09:51:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
mmmm...syiok merajuk yek?
At Tue Aug 09, 08:58:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
merajuk? hehehehe.. merajuk bawa bahagiaaaa....
p/s : camne lak nama saya ada tuh hehehe but anyway..today, am off to Lumut la abg JD.. :P
At Tue Aug 09, 09:52:00 AM,
Adlan said…
anne => pikiaq habih2... :)
akuro => bukan merajuk la... tak rock langsung.. heheheh..
alex => tak syiok langsuuuung... :)
ayu => gud luck once again... have a safe journey back home.. :)
At Tue Aug 09, 09:52:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
merajuk ke.... hehehehe...
Che Por buleh la.... hahahaha
p/s: aku x mboh cari siti zubaidah, aku nok siti nurhaliza... hahahha.. kalu dok pung, saliha...aduhai saliha... world!!!!!
At Tue Aug 09, 10:13:00 AM,
Adlan said…
eh.. siti "fida" pun dok terjaga nok jaga siti nurhaliza plak... kau tu datok apa? kalu mung datok Z buleh la lawan datok K.. sebab Z lagi besar dari K... hahaha...
eh.. mung pung orang "jaworld" gok ke? :)
At Tue Aug 09, 02:40:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
men pun merajuk?
never see my hubby merajuk..I ada lerrr..
At Tue Aug 09, 04:48:00 PM,
Adlan said…
oo => it's not merajuk la.. just that alex terms it as merajuk... cuma at times, we chose not to prolong the conversation for it may jeopardize the harmony... hubby tak pernah duk diam je.. komen idak, senyum idak, masam idak...? :)...
At Fri Aug 11, 12:43:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Enjoyed a lot!
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