Anak-anak Penawar Segala Duka Part V(a)
Well, I can't stand to wait until she is born. Honestly, I am eagerly waiting for her. I hope to name her Anis Atheefa. In full, Anis Atheefa Binti Aziz Jaafar. Heheheheh...
As I can't really wait, allow me to start Part V (a) now. Then, Part V (b) will follow suit after her birth :). Yeah, this our fifth baby. Hope no complication. Doctor says so anyway.
If I recall the moment when we had Adam, that was like our last baby. And Alex promised herself not to have another one. Well, I can understand.. The pain, the hassle, the hard time, etc that she has to go thru for 9 full moon. Not only that, it continues until they have grown up. Nevertheless, as our old folks used to say, "kita mampu merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan". That happened to us about 3 years after Adam was born, Alex stopped buying her "KoteX". :).
And Alex refused to see doctor to confirm until 3 months later. It was confirmed anyhow. Since we are having this fifth one 3 years after Adam & Adam supposed to be the last one, we seem to buy everything new. Unlike first 4 babies, almost everything was like "recycled"; baju, seluar, tilam, lampin, etc, etc. Buaian? Oh... I forgot to check its condition. Is it still usable? Yet to see.
Overall, we are not that "kelam kabut" anyway... Well, it's the fifth one... Hehehhehe.... It makes us happier as it's gonna be a girl... We hope it's gonna a be a girl... That's what the doctor said.. Anyhow, we are prepared with the consequences.
Alex is due to deliver on 10th August. I am somewhat in standby mode all the time :-).
Anis Atheefa:
Your elder brothers Muhammad Akmal Azwar, Muhammad Akmal Adlan, Muhammad Akmal Adam; your elder sister Anis Awadah; your mom Wan Rohaniah and your dad Aziz Jaafar are all eagerly waiting for your first cry... They are all waiting to pinch your tiny little cheek :).
Will this be the last one? Hmmm... I leave it to Alex.. Hehhehehe... (Ok la.. ok la...)
As I can't really wait, allow me to start Part V (a) now. Then, Part V (b) will follow suit after her birth :). Yeah, this our fifth baby. Hope no complication. Doctor says so anyway.
If I recall the moment when we had Adam, that was like our last baby. And Alex promised herself not to have another one. Well, I can understand.. The pain, the hassle, the hard time, etc that she has to go thru for 9 full moon. Not only that, it continues until they have grown up. Nevertheless, as our old folks used to say, "kita mampu merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan". That happened to us about 3 years after Adam was born, Alex stopped buying her "KoteX". :).
And Alex refused to see doctor to confirm until 3 months later. It was confirmed anyhow. Since we are having this fifth one 3 years after Adam & Adam supposed to be the last one, we seem to buy everything new. Unlike first 4 babies, almost everything was like "recycled"; baju, seluar, tilam, lampin, etc, etc. Buaian? Oh... I forgot to check its condition. Is it still usable? Yet to see.
Overall, we are not that "kelam kabut" anyway... Well, it's the fifth one... Hehehhehe.... It makes us happier as it's gonna be a girl... We hope it's gonna a be a girl... That's what the doctor said.. Anyhow, we are prepared with the consequences.
Alex is due to deliver on 10th August. I am somewhat in standby mode all the time :-).
Anis Atheefa:
Your elder brothers Muhammad Akmal Azwar, Muhammad Akmal Adlan, Muhammad Akmal Adam; your elder sister Anis Awadah; your mom Wan Rohaniah and your dad Aziz Jaafar are all eagerly waiting for your first cry... They are all waiting to pinch your tiny little cheek :).
Will this be the last one? Hmmm... I leave it to Alex.. Hehhehehe... (Ok la.. ok la...)
At Wed Aug 03, 10:06:00 AM,
Akuro ® said…
Aziz Jaafar for real ya Abg JD? I thougt u r kidding at 1st. Haha! Akuro pun dh tau "Atheefa" tu. BTW, K'Wan told me it is "Atheefah" not "Atheefa". Mana satu ni Abg JD? Heee..! Due on 10th August? Wow!! Sama birthday ngan Akuro.. Yeay..!
At Wed Aug 03, 11:05:00 AM,
Adlan said…
yeah akuro.. it's for real :).. artist in nature.. hehehe..
atheefah? ah ye kut... kak wan sebut slang mat salleh skit hari tu.. sama besday? elok la nanti buleh celebrate sama2...
At Wed Aug 03, 12:21:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
sonoknya baca :) hopefully that I will have mine soon...very soon (nak sedapkan ati sendrik la nih hehe).. hmm semoga semuanya selamat.. nanti bgtau le kalo kak Wan dah selamat bersalin..
At Wed Aug 03, 01:57:00 PM,
Adlan said…
sure ayu...
awat pil klinik tu tak jadi ke? :0
At Wed Aug 03, 02:55:00 PM,
alia said…
ehehhehehhe congrats in advance la yer..
At Wed Aug 03, 04:18:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
memang tak sabar dah ni....takut, takut gak tapi tak sabar tu lebih lagi heheheh...anyway, kena make sure all my works dah settle dulu baru dia nak keluar nih...hehehheeh
At Wed Aug 03, 07:36:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh, I hope it will be a girl! my self dah three girls...kecoh manjang! semua shopping baru ya!
eh, I need alex email address la, have to ask her something, please ya!
At Thu Aug 04, 08:48:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
abg JD, mana tau jadi ke tak lagi? hahahaha.. ari ni last tablet nak kene mkn.. next week kan cuti so hehehe off to Lumut :P (jgn jeles.. hahahaha)jgn maaarah aaa kak Wan.. hehehe
At Thu Aug 04, 09:50:00 AM,
Adlan said…
tq bat...
oo -
ayu.. gud luck anyway.. hehehhe... i did mention in one of my blogs, "rajin" is one of many succesful factors.. :)...
At Thu Aug 04, 12:38:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
abg JD, rajin tuh memang le rajin..abih dah kalo jumpa pon weekend jer hehehe..takpe.. we'll try our best!!!
At Thu Aug 04, 02:08:00 PM,
Adlan said…
good luck ayu...
onde2 - sorry the e-mail seems to be discontinued... try this one.. dia nyer ofis buleh check from home gak kut..
At Thu Aug 04, 04:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
ayu..akak tak leh nak komen pulak dah kat blog ayu...anyway, teruskan usaha...hehehhehehe....usaha tangga kejayaan hahahahha...
At Fri Aug 05, 08:47:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
uwaaa rendunya dengan Kak Wan..
At Fri Aug 05, 08:51:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
mung tau dok sebab apa benda tu diorang panggil KoteX.... it's mean Kote..X... maknanyer tak boleh la... hahahahaha
p/s: bergurau skit sebelum aku berhijrah... nanti kene hukum hudud... hehehe
harap harap mung akan normal balik setelah lahir baby baru... hehehe
At Mon Aug 08, 10:25:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hampeh!!!! sabo jerrrrrrrrr anonymous nih aduhhhhhh!!!
At Mon Aug 08, 03:01:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
x leh ketawa sangat, nanti JD marah.. sebab x lama lagi, dier kene Kotex... hehehe
At Mon Aug 08, 06:16:00 PM,
Adlan said…
ayu.. anonymous tu memang cam tu.. nakal sangat... heheheh...
dia kena cari Siti Zubaidah kat Kota Jeddah tu nanti... kalu tak kena hudud la... hahahah...
At Tue Aug 09, 09:00:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
yea yea rite!!! :p
At Tue Nov 15, 01:34:00 AM,
Kasih_sya said…
Saya pun tak sabar sebenarnya nak rasa ada anak...
Tapi, kalau nak ada anak kena ada suami...
Nak mencari suami tu yang susah...
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