Golf & Woman Are Associates?
Hi.. I am trying "trebuchet" font now.. Hmm.. Not bad...
By the way, for the interest of Alex's blog friend, she is still waiting for Atheefah... She is still with her false alarm... While waiting for her delivery.... :)
Well, I have played golf for 3 donkey years now... Everybody seems to relate golf occassion with woman. I do not know how far it's truly related, however, I continue to hear that every now and then.. Allow me to share that... I know my blog readers are non-golfers in general except my anon friend. Nonetheless, let's learn something anyhow... :).
Driver - It's a Wood 1 Club used to tee-off. Note : Not many people can use this, including me :).
Putter - It's a club used to put or to roll the ball into the hole.
Incident 1 : When one tees-off with his new driver and the ball goes very far.
Then, the friend golfer will make a remark, "biasa la, bini baru...." An addendum to the remark when the ball is just 100m in distance will be "bini baru... tak biasa lagi..."
Incident 2 : When one borrows his friend's driver and the ball goes very far.
This remark is a bit western. Though, it doesn't stop golfer from putting it forward. The remark goes as "bini orang memang sedapp....". How sure they are, remains vague / unknown to many other golfers, inlcuding my anon friend & me.
Incident 3 : When one has given his driver to a friend and at one point feels like using it.
The saying goes as "eh... pinjam janda aku jap..." And if the ball flies high the sky, far-sighted, the remark will follow suit, "syok lagi janda aku ni rupanya...". It applies to the negative situation as well where the remark goes as "patut la aku cerai janda aku ni..."
Incident 4 : As Pok Ku (not a blogger, instead he is a club house manager) used to share a tip or two on making sure the ball rolls into the hole definitely.
He said, when putting, say to yourself, "saaaaaayyyyyyyaaaanggggg....". And when saying that ones should memorize his sensual encounters with his wife. And when the ball goes in, one should add "hmmmmm..... maniiiiiisssss...." in sequence with the sound that the ball produces in the hole "kloq..kloq..kloq.. kloq....".
That's to share a few... Come and join me for once on the field... :). And that not to be taken as humiliating woman whatsoever. No intention in any way you look at it. Instead, it shows how we treasure woman all the time through out our days. Even, when we are not at home... (Don't chuckle okay....)
My mind falls back to the picture I used to receive through e-mail some times ago, men's brain is illustrated with naked woman... Is it really true? Hmmm....
At Tue Aug 09, 02:21:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I never associate women with the iron/wood/driver... tapi aku selalu imagine bola golf tu somebody hok aku dok suka..especially 2 budok botok... hahahaha.. except bila putting and short game jer, I'll be very gentle... emmm.. no wonder they called putting & short game... hehehehe
At Tue Aug 09, 03:04:00 PM,
Adlan said…
hey.. how do you pronounce "putting" exactly? i am curious la... :)
At Sun Aug 14, 10:36:00 PM,
macam tu rupanya orang melayu main golf yer....ekekeke. jgn mareee
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