Jam terus berdetik...!!!

(I may look bias to my boys, the girl's pic seems clearer... No.. Not at all... Coz, all the pics taken before have gone with crashed Hard Disk)
Through out morning, my mind is always on Alex. Atheefah is showing very little sign of making an appearance. Or rather she is in the midst of making a surpirse come-back?!!!
However, my brief conversation with Alex just a while ago has put me back into standby. The pain comes & go more often. I have reminded Alex to update me in sequence with the pain frequency. I would guess if it is not tonite, it will be early morning on 12th. August. Is anybody sharing this date? To the fact that 10th has turned Akuro down, so sorry. Came to know, 11th. is Delinn, still got hope :).
Hmmm.. As of now, I am wondering whether my 2 kids have come back from school as Govt has instructed schools to close shop for 2 days... The hazy condition has turned from bad to worse today. Hopefully, the mask I bought last nite will help the 2 kids.
I will come back with Picture 5 very soon... :)
At Thu Aug 11, 02:44:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sekolah Azwar start cuti esok satu hari je....and betul pun, the pain dah selalu dtg dah ni...cuma jarak dia still jauh-jauh...I guess ada dalam 6-8 jam lagi kot...around midnight jugak la tuh....
Ikut time Adlan kot, 3 something in the morning...:)
At Thu Aug 11, 02:53:00 PM,
Adlan said…
orait la... kembang semangku ke apa tu... dah prepare?
At Thu Aug 11, 03:20:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
kacip fatimah la..10X cakap tak hafal jugak :)...will do kejap lagi...telur masak separuh nanti karang kena masak la...
At Thu Aug 11, 04:04:00 PM,
Jill Yusoff said…
good luck jd and alex!
At Thu Aug 11, 04:22:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
ingat tu.. kacip fatimah.. jangan gi beli tongkat ali pulok... hahahaha
aku ingat mung bagi nama anak mung HAZEefah.. mengambil peristiwa jerebu ni...
At Thu Aug 11, 04:31:00 PM,
alia said…
semoga sumernyer selamat
At Thu Aug 11, 04:39:00 PM,
Adlan said…
ok.. ok... ingat doh...
telur tu nak masak kicap ke apa? heheh.. saja nak provoke anon ni..
tq to all who wish us gud luck..
buck, mung nak minum tongkat ali, gi visit dora nyer blog.. anak 2 cawan tersedia... :)
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