Anis Awadah...

When I reached home yesterday, it was about 8pm at nite. First thing I noticed, Awadah was not feeling well at all. I placed my back hand on her forehead, hmm.. not really hot. Subsequently, I placed my hand under her chin covering her neck. Not really hot. However, she was coughing quite bad. According to Alex, she has given Awadah Panadol Syrup. Awadah likes it anyway, including her brother Adam. Both took it :).
And as usual Awadah will stick herself to me probably wanted to leverage her warm with me. Or most probably, she is so comfortable with my bulgy belly that will surely give her warmer welcome :). I then positioned my armpit over her head. In theory, I think it will somehow absorb the heat from her head faster :). But most of all, I just wanted to make her as much comfortable, make her feel loved & cared. And believe me, that will cure her pain tripple the medicine's healing speed. Overall, her condition wasn't that bad.
At about 9.30pm I have to leave the house for I have promised a friend from Kota Bharu to meet him in Bangi to discuss about our multi-million dollar project, "Bela Ikan Puyu" or scientifically named as "Anabas testudineus".
"Ayah balik lambat la tu... Takmboh (Terengganu-speak, 'tak nak' in bahasa baku) kawan ngan ayah..."
That was her remark. When I came back at about 12 midnite, she was already in not-so deep sleep. Her condition was like worse... She was panting in her sleep and coughing in interval. I shifted her head & the upper part of her back onto the pillow so that she can breathe a little bit easier. I slept while hugging her. We were separated by the "bantal peluk kelkabu" for I am scared my bulky legs will make her breathless once again. She was OK through out the nite except she cried twice somewhere at 3 or 4 am and 5 or 6 am. After I rub her back, knead her neck a little bit, she went back to sleep.
I have sent her to clinic this morning & nothing severe as advised by Doctor. She is sleeping when I called her just now. Too bad, she could not join her brothers for a picnic with their Auntie (Alex's elder sister).
Wish to see her smile again this evening...!
At Tue Aug 23, 01:16:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anak bila demam melanda, manjanya menjadi jadi. Kekadang kesian.... kalau boleh, kita as the parent nak tanggung sakit mereka itu. Wish awadah cepat cepat sembuh.
At Tue Aug 23, 03:07:00 PM,
Adlan said…
tq PB... Awadah ni memang manja skit ngan ayah dia :)...
At Tue Aug 23, 05:27:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
curi masuk internet lagi hehehehe....lepas berurut nanti mungkin buleh update blog plak hehehehe....
by the way, Awadah dah almost ok but still bunyi hidung tersumbat...hopefully tonite dia buleh tido dengan senangnya....thanks to her father hehehehehe...
At Wed Aug 24, 10:37:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
amboi kak wan hehehe..sempat lagik tuh..anyway, wendu nak baca entry kak wan hehehe
kite lom ade anak jadi taktau la nak komen mcm mana hehehe tapi apapun, ABG JD, kene balik umah awal2..jgn main golf hehehehe sian Wadah!
At Wed Aug 24, 02:47:00 PM,
Adlan said…
mi... tak leh blog this week.. your NB kena sewa.. :)
ayu -> tak aktif sgt dah golf.. kalu dulu 1 kali seminggu skang 2 kali je minggu... hihihihi...
puteri-> ada i sebut ketiak ke..? armpit la.. :).. eh, kak wan tak chargas lagi la.. kalu chargas takkan la i nak gi main golf sampai 2 kali seminggu... lol..
At Wed Aug 24, 03:07:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
get well soon ya awadah..anak pompuan mmg lah manja dgn ayah...tambah pulak sowang2 je , but now dah ada geng dah awadah ya! suruh baby girl tu besar cepat2!!!
At Wed Aug 24, 03:56:00 PM,
Adlan said…
tq OO.. how's the class? hope all went well...
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