Potong Q...!

It was so sickening to the fact that people seem to be doing this effortlessly. It seems nothing and normal to them... Do they realize that, being someone who has been cut (overtaken) like that is so "bengang"... Of all the trouble that we take to queue and follow the law, there are people who come in and easily squeeze in without a bit of guilty.
Cut in with fierce face some more you know... Wallaaaweyyyy....
As what I always do:
- let it be, diorang nak cepat kalau tak kena fire ngan boss dia...
- tahan sabar, mungkin diorang sakit perut nak terberak...
- be +ve, may be his wife / her hubby nak beranak / bersalin kat rumah...
- tak pe la, diorang tersilap & tak sengaja...
- etc, etc, etc... while listening to sinar.fm...
More often than not, those reasons stipulated are purely to cool me down.. None of them are genuine reasons anyway... What de yer all think...?
Whatever it is,
"sejak ku... bertemu padaaamu...."
"di manaaaaaa tuuuuu....?"
"di sinar.fm....."
At Mon Oct 03, 05:38:00 PM,
WRA said…
tak pun sebab memang perangai lagu tu heheheh...
At Tue Oct 04, 09:19:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hubby OO selalu kata, depa yang potong Q ni sakit perut nak b*r@k koT! hehe..
At Tue Oct 04, 11:46:00 AM,
Jill Yusoff said…
I pun selalu cakap mesti mak/adik.isteri dia nak beranak! eeeii..very the geram la dengan orang potong queue ni
At Tue Oct 04, 12:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
hubby kite pon slalu guna idea tu nak sedapkan hati and nak cool down kan rasa tensen nya tu.. tapi sebagai org sebelah.. saya selalu gak pujuk hubby.. takpelahh bg la dorang p dulu.. kalo kite berebut2 dgn dia..kite pon sama mcm dia jugak :)
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