Before I went out from home...

Yeah, I saw this cute little girl in the cradle. I took my handphone & snapped.. There she is...
She was in deep sleep. But it's only towards morning, from 5 or 6 o'clock in a morning. I dunno why. Initially she behaved good.
Only lately she is like staying up until morning. She sleeps until 1 or 2 o'clock before she starts weeping. As usual, the father is always the most patient one, make donno... The mother who can't stand it will wake up and stay up too... :)...
There is a song that makes her shut her eyes until morning actually. However, only the father knows and the father cannot make the eyes open too when singing this song... So, the father will fall asleep too.. And it happens before Atheefah falls to sleep everytime... Hmmm.. Not so effective...
By the way here the song goes... Gotta sing in Kelantanese... I inherit this song from my father. Whether or not it's an original song of my late father, I dunno...
Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (3x)
Tido Atheefah nak tido
Tido bi rulik Atheefah jago bi gerak
Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (1 x)
Tok Adam dengan la Tok Hawa
Datuk nenek moyang kita
Matilah ia di kubur luar kota
Lailahaillallah Muhammadurasulullah (1x)
Ma Husain dengan la Ma Hassan
Anak cucu Rasulullah
Matilah ia berperang sabilullah....
Ulang semua rangkap sampai budak tertidur... Ataupun kita sendiri tertidur. Kalu ada kelapangan nanti I will try to record it in audio format... Hehehhehe...
At Wed Sep 28, 11:04:00 PM,
WRA said…
tu lah..sape lagi kuat, lelaki ke pompuan? sape kata lelaki tu memang ego la tu sebab org lelaki ni dua kelopak mata pun susah nak angkat hahahahahahahah!!!!
At Thu Sep 29, 09:16:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
sori la alex... laki maintain kuat jugok...KUAT TIDO..... hahahhahaha
p/s: koho dekat nok gi ni... hati dok brapa keruan... mengenangkan partner golf hok x dok org nok challenge lagi. hahahahaha
-EGO Golfer- hehehe
At Thu Sep 29, 09:30:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
alex, heheheh... nak kena beli machine buai tu la... kalu dok susoh gok lepas pantang nih... :)..
EGO golfer, bukit unggul will be the witness... hahahhaha...
- remains crazy...!
At Thu Sep 29, 03:09:00 PM,
WRA said…
tang KUAT TIDO tu memang tak leh nak bangkang la kan....
machine buai? tapi sometime she sleeps kat bawah je....penat dok dlm buai...
At Fri Sep 30, 11:15:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Comel ikot mama ko ikut abah nie??
At Fri Sep 30, 02:16:00 PM,
alia said…
ekekekek tak tahan yg bapak buat kering tanak bangun tuh...
At Fri Sep 30, 05:12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
mujo che abe ambo bangun samo2 jago anok daley pantang ko, lepah pantang ko..hehe..pas tu bila preggy lagi, anok hok datah kechik lagi ppaka pas ko dio lah, sebak tu lo ni anok semua rapat nga ayoh blako...bangun pagi cari ayoh, susu ayoh buat, bangun malam nak kencing cari ayoh jugok...kalu ummi bangun pong, anok nok ayoh jugok!!!!
At Mon Oct 03, 09:57:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
OO, Alex senyum sinis tengok your statement... Ishk.... :.. Tak pe la, I will remain patient... :)
At Mon Oct 03, 09:58:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
bat.. time mak dia ngantuk sangat bangun la jugak... tak kering sangat.. :)...
At Mon Oct 03, 09:59:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
pb - kalu mace tok seh... abah dio kut.. :)...
At Tue Oct 04, 08:08:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
jenuh membaca hehehe...sebab cuba nak pahamkan ayat2 bahasa kelantan tu.. takpa.. slowly....lama2 nanti pandai la saya...:)
abg JD,
kenapa lepas pantang nak kene beli buaian elektrik tuh..? hehehe kalo tak beli kenapa susah? hehehehe
At Tue Aug 29, 01:24:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
best regards, nice info
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