Golfer to be...

Being idle for so long makes me uncertain on what to write. However, being so engrossed with golf let me start with this. At least it will get my butt & back off the floor for updating this blog again...
A friend of mine who has partly migrated to Jeddah has transfered the ownership of a piece of putting mat (as illustrated in the picture) to me. When I am free & into improving my putting skill, I will spread the mat across the living room. As you may see, I am not able to improve my skill an inch further when the cutie is fully awake...
I am dreaming of making all my kids the professional golfers... The boy will at least be Thongchai Jaidee & the girl is as good as Michelle Wee. Will my dream come true.. It's all depend on my bit of seriousness. Unless, the whole lot will just be for fun....!
At Thu Mar 23, 10:38:00 AM,
WRA said…
asal jangan makan bola golf sudah....
At Fri Mar 24, 09:01:00 AM,
Ayu Mohamad said…
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At Fri Mar 24, 09:02:00 AM,
Ayu Mohamad said…
hahaha kak wan..setuju.. jgn si baby Theefah amik bola golf masuk mulut dah ler..
semoga niat suci murni abg JD menjadikan anak2 pemain golf professional berjaya!
takut2 ayah dia yg nak jadi pro tapi tak pro pro hehehehe tu yg smapai bentang mat tuh dlm umah nak praktis hehehehehe
At Fri Mar 31, 12:48:00 PM,
WRA said…
amboih...ada free porn plak kat owner, boleh delete tak message tu? kang jadi tukang sebar porn plak karang....
At Thu Apr 06, 05:11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hehhehe.. thongchai jaideee... demo lupo ko, kawe ni terrer dr jaidee lagi ni....suroh la anok demo jadikang kawe sebagai dier punye idol... hahahaha
-desert golfer-
p/s: kawe x puas hati sunggoh maing hari tu... demo buat kawe macang melukut di tepi gantang...
At Fri May 05, 04:21:00 PM,
agaknya golfer ni semua macam tu kot..pasal abah MR dulu siap tanam rumput carpet buat lubang..suruh kitaorg adik beradik main...sekarang ni plak dia siap belikan golf set utk anak buah saya...
At Tue Apr 24, 07:23:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
At Thu May 10, 02:31:00 PM,
***cinDee*** said…
cute la baby :)
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