
Personally, I don't feel the joy (or the heat) of "merdeka" celebration this year. I am not sure if anybody else has the same feeling as mine. It may be true though as our local newspaper has published on how our Minister has blotted his concern (or his anger) over the situation. I found the joke published then was partly true. We have been surprised by the increment of the gas price quite severely. No joke, 3 times in a year. And honestly speaking, my car needs RM110.00 to fill the tank compared to RM80.00 before the last increment. Well, Govt may have solid reasons anyway. However, if it is really the reason of the sour response from the public of our merdeka celebration, does the Govt need to get angry with us?
Hmmm... It could be yes & no. Simply because of one question that I ask myself; what will you do if you are the PM? And the answer could be, I may be doing something worse than that. Instead of 3 times a year, I may increase it 5 or 6 times a year... LOL.. Not only that, I may increase 50 cents at one time, not 5 cents and not 10 cents... :)...
By the way, back to our merdeka fiesta. Are you gonna be part of the shouters? Then, go back early from work as the roads are gonna be very hectic tonite. As for me, like last year, I may be shouting from the boot of my car together with my naughty kids & my sweet Alex (tak bley dis year...).
I relate "merdeka" with my true blue feeling whenever I walk across the horizontal escalator in KLIA... Such a huge airport. I always feel proud for being Malaysian.
Last but not least, what "merdeka" really means to you? Whatever it is, let's shout... Merleka.. Merleka.. Merleka.. Opppsss... Let's shout properly... Merdeka..!.. Merdeka.. !.. Merdeka.. !