Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Cancer - Renowned Killer
Cancer attacks in many ways and forms. And more often than not, symptoms are spotted at their severe stage. More so, it doesn't choose the victims. The most recent one, Malaysia's Prime Minister's wife; breast cancer. About 2 years back, my beloved mom; lung cancer.
The origin of the word cancer is credited to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.), considered the "Father of Medicine." Hippocrates used the terms carcinos and carcinoma to describe non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors. In Greek these words refer to a crab, most likely applied to the disease because the finger-like spreading projections from a cancer called to mind the shape of a crab. Carcinoma is the most common type of cancer.
(ref - http://www.cancer.org)
The disease itself may not be really under our control but the awareness. Firstly, we may need to be aware that cancer comes with certain symptoms. Even though it is usually discovered at the stage of too late to cure, at least we know it is cancer. This part, the siblings & me may be a bit naive until our mom had to go thru so much pain before she underwent cancer treatment.
Secondly, channels of assistance be it in the form of monetary and/or advice. I came to explore the real meaning of MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional / National cancer Council - http://www.makna.org.my). The idea is, even there is no hope or whatnot, at least the patient can go through a peaceful treatment with less pain experience. Of course with proper guides & treatment. Again, this is the lacking area of the siblings & me where we just follow brief advice from various doctors at multiple hospitals. I blame nobody anyway. Good for Pak Lah (Malaysia's PM) who promised to look into cancer medication especially in terms of the price. So that it will hopefully be affordable to everybody at all level; from makcik kampung (village's aunty) like my mom to the First Lady of the country.
Thirdly / lastly, the unity of the relatives while the patient is under cancer treatment. In my case, everybody is working. Of course to earn the living, we should by all means work. This can be sensitive at times as who should take care of the mother. It has created a bit of a scene initially. First time I saw my big brother cry. With him in Perak, me in KL, my sis in Sabak Bernam (to name a few) & mom in Teganung; things seemed to be tough. However, it was resolved amicably among the siblings. It took 3 months before she was laid in peace. A relief for me to have an understanding boss; "You can "cabut" (dissapear) when it is necessary, just give me a tinker".
Until now, the 3 months experience of my mom is still fresh to my eyes. Al-Fatihah.
The origin of the word cancer is credited to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.), considered the "Father of Medicine." Hippocrates used the terms carcinos and carcinoma to describe non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors. In Greek these words refer to a crab, most likely applied to the disease because the finger-like spreading projections from a cancer called to mind the shape of a crab. Carcinoma is the most common type of cancer.
(ref - http://www.cancer.org)
The disease itself may not be really under our control but the awareness. Firstly, we may need to be aware that cancer comes with certain symptoms. Even though it is usually discovered at the stage of too late to cure, at least we know it is cancer. This part, the siblings & me may be a bit naive until our mom had to go thru so much pain before she underwent cancer treatment.
Secondly, channels of assistance be it in the form of monetary and/or advice. I came to explore the real meaning of MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional / National cancer Council - http://www.makna.org.my). The idea is, even there is no hope or whatnot, at least the patient can go through a peaceful treatment with less pain experience. Of course with proper guides & treatment. Again, this is the lacking area of the siblings & me where we just follow brief advice from various doctors at multiple hospitals. I blame nobody anyway. Good for Pak Lah (Malaysia's PM) who promised to look into cancer medication especially in terms of the price. So that it will hopefully be affordable to everybody at all level; from makcik kampung (village's aunty) like my mom to the First Lady of the country.
Thirdly / lastly, the unity of the relatives while the patient is under cancer treatment. In my case, everybody is working. Of course to earn the living, we should by all means work. This can be sensitive at times as who should take care of the mother. It has created a bit of a scene initially. First time I saw my big brother cry. With him in Perak, me in KL, my sis in Sabak Bernam (to name a few) & mom in Teganung; things seemed to be tough. However, it was resolved amicably among the siblings. It took 3 months before she was laid in peace. A relief for me to have an understanding boss; "You can "cabut" (dissapear) when it is necessary, just give me a tinker".
Until now, the 3 months experience of my mom is still fresh to my eyes. Al-Fatihah.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
An Undermining Of Generosity
In general, Malaysians are generous in many aspects. Be it Malay, Indian, Chinese and/or Caucasian, they are indeed generous. Among many other perspectives, I feel like bragging about Malaysian being so generous in giving "donation". Whether we realize it or not, a person and/or a group of people who are after these generous Malaysians (so called donors) exist at almost every corner of our city; mosques, markets, shop+ping complexes, sideroads, etc. Usually, this group of people come in 2 forms; beggars and official institue (or claimed to be). Bet yeah, they have everything to proof who they are, etc...
A specific event, this afternoon; while waiting for Alex, there was a group of youngsters (from my eyes) in front of Central Market, KL were persuading passersby to donate to the fund-rasing exercise for building a new home for "anak yatim" (parentless kids?). RM1.00 is to get the bookmarker in return & RM5.00 is for the plastic fan. I am sorry, I did not get any of those simply because I did not donate a single cent. So did Alex. When asked, Alex responded with exactly the same thought that has mingled my mind. It's the way they talk, behave & dress.
Being me a natural "rocker" myself (LOL...!), I can't seem to sync in when yougsters speak with rockers' style to an elderly like myself. Further to that, they did not behave in a way a-person-in-need should. To be a lil' bit exaggerate, the boy with loosen jeans that cannot fit their waist but their butt really dribble my appetite away. Plus with a girl who put on belly-cut tight t-shirt has truly turned my perception upside down.
Scold me for being bias, discerning, judicios, etc, etc. Nevertheless, the activity / exercise that they are after, did not suit them at all. Or rather, their organization should not send them at the first place.
Is it too much to say that our generosity has been undermined by certain group of people? Apart from that, the genuinity remains vague to my eyes. I remain uncertain of this situation. Think about it, a surge of frustation crosses the bottom part of my heart, at times. With the heart to help this under-privileged people like elderly, beggars and "anak yatim"; the truth behind it is sometime so disheartening... What do you think?
Who is responsible to control this?
Is it a responsibility of our government?
What proof should be really a proof? Etc.. Etc...
Hazy quentions continue... and continue....!!!
A specific event, this afternoon; while waiting for Alex, there was a group of youngsters (from my eyes) in front of Central Market, KL were persuading passersby to donate to the fund-rasing exercise for building a new home for "anak yatim" (parentless kids?). RM1.00 is to get the bookmarker in return & RM5.00 is for the plastic fan. I am sorry, I did not get any of those simply because I did not donate a single cent. So did Alex. When asked, Alex responded with exactly the same thought that has mingled my mind. It's the way they talk, behave & dress.
Being me a natural "rocker" myself (LOL...!), I can't seem to sync in when yougsters speak with rockers' style to an elderly like myself. Further to that, they did not behave in a way a-person-in-need should. To be a lil' bit exaggerate, the boy with loosen jeans that cannot fit their waist but their butt really dribble my appetite away. Plus with a girl who put on belly-cut tight t-shirt has truly turned my perception upside down.
Scold me for being bias, discerning, judicios, etc, etc. Nevertheless, the activity / exercise that they are after, did not suit them at all. Or rather, their organization should not send them at the first place.
Is it too much to say that our generosity has been undermined by certain group of people? Apart from that, the genuinity remains vague to my eyes. I remain uncertain of this situation. Think about it, a surge of frustation crosses the bottom part of my heart, at times. With the heart to help this under-privileged people like elderly, beggars and "anak yatim"; the truth behind it is sometime so disheartening... What do you think?
Who is responsible to control this?
Is it a responsibility of our government?
What proof should be really a proof? Etc.. Etc...
Hazy quentions continue... and continue....!!!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Trust me, as much as it is strange / weird to your ears, it was to me as well when I was still in the college (UKM). This friend of mine (Zauk Golfer.. hihihih..) is the one who introduced me to this term.
Up to this ticking second, I am still not sure what "zauk" really is! To the fact that I could not really comprehend its original meaning (if there is..), I continue to be a zauk friend to a zauk golfer. It's tough... And if it is an Arabic word, I am not aware. Nevertheless, let me list down some situations where "zauk" is applicable. With some sentences perhaps...
- Zauknya study...!!!
- Zauknya bercinta...!!!
- Zauknya makan...!!!
The more I am into it, the more I feel like deviating from its root. Anyway, here goes the meaning behind it...
At times, it could be illustrated as an extreme behaviour of a person when doing something. However, it is not at its negative stream. In other words, zauk's person will do something with concentration, zest & more often than not, so engrossed in his/her own world... :).
It is sometime described as an extra vision to a person. Being mystical is too much but it's of that kind nonetheless.
This person may sometime observe a characteristic of a zuhud. Being modest but not until so delicate and/or insubstantial.
To sum it all, it's a good character (if not "karikator"). So, I can be addressed as "zauk golfer" as well. (p/s : but the crazy remains especially when 9 holes of golf is not too much while waiting for break fast...)
Well, this is also a special tribute to my zauk golfer friend who has started to come in to my blog. More so, he may be able to give an enlightenment of "zauk".
And it is also a friendly reminder to my FVB (frequently visited blog):
- OO => to be "zauk" in her GG.
- Dora => "zauk" in her romantic encounters :).
- Ayu => "zauk" in baby-making :D
- Puteri => "zauk" in searching for her other half of her soul...
- Alex => "zauk" being with me (FYI, we were labelled as zauk UKM...hahaha)
(not to forget the blogs that I sometime silently read, PB, Akuro, Bat, etc)
Do take note, this version of zauk has long existed before The Zauk in KL...
Up to this ticking second, I am still not sure what "zauk" really is! To the fact that I could not really comprehend its original meaning (if there is..), I continue to be a zauk friend to a zauk golfer. It's tough... And if it is an Arabic word, I am not aware. Nevertheless, let me list down some situations where "zauk" is applicable. With some sentences perhaps...
- Zauknya study...!!!
- Zauknya bercinta...!!!
- Zauknya makan...!!!
The more I am into it, the more I feel like deviating from its root. Anyway, here goes the meaning behind it...
At times, it could be illustrated as an extreme behaviour of a person when doing something. However, it is not at its negative stream. In other words, zauk's person will do something with concentration, zest & more often than not, so engrossed in his/her own world... :).
It is sometime described as an extra vision to a person. Being mystical is too much but it's of that kind nonetheless.
This person may sometime observe a characteristic of a zuhud. Being modest but not until so delicate and/or insubstantial.
To sum it all, it's a good character (if not "karikator"). So, I can be addressed as "zauk golfer" as well. (p/s : but the crazy remains especially when 9 holes of golf is not too much while waiting for break fast...)
Well, this is also a special tribute to my zauk golfer friend who has started to come in to my blog. More so, he may be able to give an enlightenment of "zauk".
And it is also a friendly reminder to my FVB (frequently visited blog):
- OO => to be "zauk" in her GG.
- Dora => "zauk" in her romantic encounters :).
- Ayu => "zauk" in baby-making :D
- Puteri => "zauk" in searching for her other half of her soul...
- Alex => "zauk" being with me (FYI, we were labelled as zauk UKM...hahaha)
(not to forget the blogs that I sometime silently read, PB, Akuro, Bat, etc)
Do take note, this version of zauk has long existed before The Zauk in KL...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I seem to be serious...
Hmmm.... I am fasting today :). That does not imply that I used to escape my fasting in any way you look at it... Not even by "accident"....
Everyone seems to be talking about food on this very first day of puasa.. Well, they were talking about it since then anyway... Just that, it's so glaring in puasa month, that's all. I may not be talking about what to eat, what to buy for break fast, what dishes to cook, etc, etc for I seem to be staying put with my wish, reduce weight..!!! Instead, I may be talking and/or imagining on what NOT to eat, what NOT to buy for break fast, etc... At least after 11 hours (since sahur), I can still avoid my mind from delicious food / dishes that our bloggers are bragging about...
Alex, don't smile at me.. I am serious you know... Hehehhehe... (My question to you just now "lauk ada lagi dumoh?" was just my routine, being a responsible head of the family.. kahakhaka)
By the way, I started my fast today with coco crunch + corn flakes, full bowl of course... And I feel soooo healthy & tired now.... :)...
I wish I can hold on to my wish...
Everyone seems to be talking about food on this very first day of puasa.. Well, they were talking about it since then anyway... Just that, it's so glaring in puasa month, that's all. I may not be talking about what to eat, what to buy for break fast, what dishes to cook, etc, etc for I seem to be staying put with my wish, reduce weight..!!! Instead, I may be talking and/or imagining on what NOT to eat, what NOT to buy for break fast, etc... At least after 11 hours (since sahur), I can still avoid my mind from delicious food / dishes that our bloggers are bragging about...
Alex, don't smile at me.. I am serious you know... Hehehhehe... (My question to you just now "lauk ada lagi dumoh?" was just my routine, being a responsible head of the family.. kahakhaka)
By the way, I started my fast today with coco crunch + corn flakes, full bowl of course... And I feel soooo healthy & tired now.... :)...
I wish I can hold on to my wish...
Monday, October 03, 2005
Potong Q...!

It was so sickening to the fact that people seem to be doing this effortlessly. It seems nothing and normal to them... Do they realize that, being someone who has been cut (overtaken) like that is so "bengang"... Of all the trouble that we take to queue and follow the law, there are people who come in and easily squeeze in without a bit of guilty.
Cut in with fierce face some more you know... Wallaaaweyyyy....
As what I always do:
- let it be, diorang nak cepat kalau tak kena fire ngan boss dia...
- tahan sabar, mungkin diorang sakit perut nak terberak...
- be +ve, may be his wife / her hubby nak beranak / bersalin kat rumah...
- tak pe la, diorang tersilap & tak sengaja...
- etc, etc, etc... while listening to sinar.fm...
More often than not, those reasons stipulated are purely to cool me down.. None of them are genuine reasons anyway... What de yer all think...?
Whatever it is,
"sejak ku... bertemu padaaamu...."
"di manaaaaaa tuuuuu....?"
"di sinar.fm....."